Chapter 18

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*3rd Persons POV*

Marinette sighed, walking into class. Alya ditched her to talk to Adrien about some plan.

Marinette, having no idea what was going on —

(or maybe she was oblivious *cough* that wouldn't be her first time *cough*)

— walked into class, taking her usual seat and pulling out her sketchbook.

Alya then walked into class, Adrien trailing behind her, "Hey, girl, look, somethings came up today -"

"And I'll be sitting beside you today." Adrien cut in, clearly frustrated but flashed a charming smile.

Which did not help Marinettes dilemma with Chat Noir whatsoever.

Marinette nodded and blushes, fiddling with her fingers.

Marinette was opening up her sketchbook, continuing the design she was working on yesterday.

Adrien slipped into the seat beside her, looking over her shoulder, "Wow, Marinette, your designs are flawless."

Marinette blushed a deeper shade of red, "T-thank you A-Adrien." Marinette then cursed herself, a sudden thought appearing in her head,

'Maybe liking Chat is not such a bad idea after all'

Marinette cursed herself, she couldn't believe what she just, she did not like Chat, no, nope, that's something that she can't let happen!

Marinette was too deep in thought to even realize Adrien took her sketchbook and was flipping through designs, or that the teacher walked in a just started the lesson.

She was too deep in thought thinking about him.

————end of chapter: 18————


I have decided that since I'm planning to make a sequel to this book - maybe even making it into a series, I just don't want to drag it out.

- as I was saying, since I'm making a sequel to this book, I decided I would be an evil author, and once I finish this book, I'll put it on halt for a few months.

okay, so it isn't that great

EVEN BETTER NEWS IS I am writing an AMAZING new Miraculous Ladybug AU Fanfiction that I have never seen published before! I'm really excited for it, that I already have 6 chapters + prologue done for it!

ALSO if you weren't aware, I posted a one-shot, it's on my account, you can go check it out if you want :)

- Kris

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