Chapter 6

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"Why the hell are we having a meeting on a Monday?!" I yelled as the twins and I walked through the

woods to the pack circle.

"You know, you really shouldn't complain since you're going to be the one calling the pack meetings

soon." I rolled my eyes at Genevieve and I climbed over a fallen oak tree.

"V has a point."

"Shut up, Ivey." Ivey whimpered and I rolled my eyes again. Rick looked over when the three of us

walked through the trees. He glared and bared his canines; we were late. "Why are we here?" I asked before we sat down in our usual spots.


"We…" Elder Bates stood from his seat and the four other elders, Elder Manson, Elder Jonas, Elder

Zee, and Elder Stone, stood with him. "Called the meeting."

I stood and bowed in respect. "Elder Bates." He bowed his head and I seated myself again. "So what is

this meeting for?"

"We wanted to see how well your leadership skills are." Elder Manson spoke, and yes, she's a female.

"My leadership skills?"

"We want to make sure you have the right skills before you become alpha." Elder Jonas answer my


"Why do we need to have a pack meeting for that?"

"We thought it'd be more interesting." I glared at Elder Zee a little and he smiled to me.

"So what do I have to do?" I looked to Elder Bates again and he watched me as he thought.

"You will not be preforming the tasks tonight, Princess." Elder Stone informed me. "You will be

preforming these tasks on a different day. Sometime soon in the future."

"At a future pack meeting." Elder Bates informed me. I nodded and he turned his attention to the

whole pack. "That is all for this meeting, you may return to your homes." The pack dispersed while mother and I remained seated.

The twins turned around and waited for me. "You coming?" Genevieve asked and Ivey just waited.

"I'll meet you guys later." They nodded hesitantly before they walked off into the woods. Mother and I

waited until they were a good distance away from the circle before we stood and walked over to the elders. Elder Bates smiled at me and held his arms up for a hug. "Grandpa." I smiled and hugged him. Yes, Elder Bates is my grandfather. He's my father's dad and I kept my father's last name in honor of him and because of how much I love my grandpa.

"How is my granddaughter?" He smiled at me as we both pulled out from the hug.

"A little worried now because of this test you have for me."

"Oh, don't think of it as a test! Think of it as a game!" I smiled at my grandpa.

"Okay, I'm still worried about it though." Grandpa smiled before he turned to my mother.

"She's turning out to be a beautiful girl." I bowed my head because I didn't like it when they talked

about me when I'm right here.

"Yes she is." Mother said proudly, but I wanted to turn away and run after the twins. "I'm very proud

of her. She's going to make a great alpha." I gritted my teeth.

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