Chapter Seven- Let it Go

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Aqua and Abigail landed their gummi ship next to a beautiful castle next to a stunning fjord.

"Where are we?" 

"I've heard this kingdom is called Arandelle according the wielder who found this land. He met with the queen whose name is Elsa. That's who we're here to see," Aqua answered heading off towards the castle. 

They walked across the bridge spanning the water to the castle. Abigail distinctly felt the stares as people glanced at them and would then turn back and stare at them as they passed by. "Guess they don't see many keyblade wielders," Aqua said amused. 

They reached the gates, which were wide open, and the guard only gave them a cursory glance. "Guess they have really lax security here," mumbled Abigail.

Suddenly a giant bump moved on the ground, and they starred as a giant white snowman came out of that ball, like a monster, eyes shining. "Wha.... What's that?" quivered Abigail.

"Marshmallow! Stop that! That's no way to treat our new guests!" said a redhead with lovely hazel eyes and a beautiful green dress.

He backed down but still looked warily at them. Abigail and Aqua both let out the breath they didn't know they were holding.

"Sorry about that," said the young woman coming to stand in front of them, "Marshmallow is usually at my sister's ice palace in the mountains, but we've been having issues with monsters lately of all things!"

"Monsters? What kind of monsters?" Aqua interrupted. 

Not looking at all perturbed, the girl continued, "These black looking monsters will yellow glowing eyes, they're really creepy! Oh, I'm Princess Anna of Arrandelle by the way! Nice to meet you!"

"Greetings, Princess Anna! I am Master Aqua, a keyblade wielder from Radiant Garden, and this is my apprentice Abigail," Aqua said bowing slightly after beckoning Abigail to do the same.

"Oh no need for that! And a keyblade wielder? Like the one who visited before??" 

"Yes, your majesty, and we would like to discuss these monsters with you and your sister if possible."

"Oh yes, of course! Come right this way! Queen Elsa is in her study and my fiance should be making his way in shortly. He can tell you more about those awful creatures!" Anna mimicked with wide eyes.

They followed her through the courtyard decorated with beautiful ice sculptures even though it was fairly warm for ice! They walked through some grand doors, and a warm fire was felt from a fireplace near a long table.

"Who are they?" came a cheery voice from behind them.

They turned and gasped when they saw a happy looking snowman standing there with a silly grin and a small cloud over his head. 

"Oh, hello, Olaf! This is Master Aqua and her apprentice Abigail! They're here to talk about the monsters!" 

"Keyblade wielders?? How wonderful! Please to meet you! I'm Olaf, and I like warm hugs!" he grinned, holding out one of his stick arms.

This was a strange kingdom, thought Abigail.

"A talking snowman? How intriguing!" exclaimed Aqua bending down and actually hugging the happy snowman!

He giggled. "I like you!"

Abigail couldn't blame him. It was hard to not like Aqua.

A door opened, and an extremely elegant woman with fine features, striking blue eyes, and hair almost like silver white walked into the room. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2016 ⏰

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