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  • Dedicated to Sammi Christopherson- for being a loyal friend.

It was a summer's night in mid July as a hazy air seemed to drift forebodingly over the peaceful castle grounds. Waves rolled up on the nearby ocean and crashed against the shore with a commital din while crickets chirped a happy tune of of solace. Yes, the night was still and silent. Calm as it was, it would forever be embedded in the memories of those who lived it. Or, those who made it out alive anyways.

If thre ever was such a thiing as a happy family the Hughes would've been it. The Hughes sat in the decorative lounge in the castle, enjoying the placid stillness of the night. Even though he was a powerful king, it didn't mean anything to him considering he was also a husband and a father. He lay spread out on the floor meticulously polishing a gleaming sword with a leather hilt, which had the Latin words  "Regnum Super Omnia" engraved on it in fancy lettering.

His wife sat on the couch above him, knitting needles suspended magically in the air before her. Her eyes feverishly darted around the room, bouncing from image to image. Her husband. The needles. And her twin children, Rebeckah and James who sat coloring on the ground. And back again. She began to tease, "If you polish that thing any longer it'll begin to rust." The man chuckled only to give her the slight recognition her comment deserved, and then returned to his tedious task.

And so they continued on, drifting in and out of the tranquility of the night.

The crickets abruptly halted their comforting tune, glazing the night over with an eerie quiet, that was soon to be drowned by the atrocites that occured. The silence was tuneful almost, and it sang a song of the approaching infamy.

As if the tune was fading out, a din of colassal porportions came thundering in a slow advancement; building up, brewing sickeningly. It sunded like the lcaning of metal, screaming men, and even the fire of a few gunshots. 

The King dropped the sword (which was of utmost importance five minutes ago) on the ground and it landed with a clang. He opened the window with a feverent look in his eye, expecting the worst from the clammor he just heard, and so it was. A herd of Minotaurs and their fellow  soldiers from the blood-thirsty kingdom of Hostibus stood by the edge of the forest. "Don't be a coawrd you King! Get down here and fight or we'll invade your precious Court!"

He shut the window and returned to the room, only to disturb his happy family. He bent over and whispered to his wife what he saw. Like a firework, he eyes spraked up with immobile fear. "No they can't..." she said frettingly.

"Yes they can Renne'. The only thing that is important now is getting you, Rebeckah and Jamison into the Mortal World..." said Joseph urgently.

"What about you?" she asked, nervous and her heart pounding from dread. His eyes locked on hers earnestly. "No! Joey! You have to come! I can't live wthout you!" She flung herself wildly into his arms. He enthralled her tightly as she burrowed her head into his chest, smelling the salty stench of sweat potruding from his body. "You can't die,"  she moaned, now sobbing hysterically. "Not for this! Not for them!"

He lifted he head up, staring at her. "I'm always with you. In your heart." Their lips locked.

The din grew at an alarmingly fast rate. He set her down gently and they gabbed their children protectively, who had an expression of bewiderment and worry on their faces. He hoisted them into his arms and kissed them all over, never wanting to let go or forget their sweet, childish laughter that sang like bells. "I love you," he whispered to each of them, tears now leaking out of his eyes.

This went on for however long, until a single Minotuar and men with formidable strength, Hostiban Soldiers, followed behind him. The children of however 10 regnumese years of age whimpered and wailed as they were passed from their father's arms to their mother's.

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