Chapter Nineteen - The Golden Diamond

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Conor took out his sword as he stared at the cave. The Keeper's cave. Griffin was very close beside him. Just like in his dream, he felt as if he needed to go in the cave, as if something was calling to him. Conor took a deep breath and started walking slowly into the cave with Griffin pressed tightly to his leg. Every step they took, Conor's fear and uncertainty grew but he kept on walking until they were surrounded by darkness.

They kept on walking until Conor saw something glittering up ahead. As they kept walking, the glittering grew stronger until they emerged into a wide cavern. Right in the middle of the cavern took their breath away.

The Golden Diamond, he thought.

It was beautiful, amazing, words can't even describe it. It looked like it was made of pure gold yet pure diamond and it seems to shine brighter than the sun itself but you can still see it without shielding your eyes. Conor wanted to look away but at the same time he can't help but stare at it.

"Wow," Conor whispered in awe.

Griffin shook his head and looked around, "But where's the Keeper?"

"Maybe he isn't back yet," Conor replied, not taking his eyes off the Golden Diamond.

It looked so tempting that he wanted to steal it. He almost took a step forward but he caught himself just in time and looked away. They needed the Keeper of Life on his good side if they had any chance of defeating the Keeper of Death.

"We can't just steal it," Conor said, mostly to himself, "or we'll have two Keepers wanting us dead."

"Oh but we can," Conor heard a familiar voice.

He whirled around to see five men in black hooded cloaks, standing right behind them.The one who spoke was the same assassin who killed John. Anger started fueling up inside of him as he looked at him with pure hatred.

"Nice to meet you again, Conor, king of Cylo," the man bowed, "I admit, I made a huge mistake killing your friend back there for it was supposed to be you."

"Who are you and who sent you to kill me?" Conor demanded, pointing his sword towards them.

"My Devin," the assassin said with an evil smile, "but i'm afraid I can't answer the other question. Look, we're running late, so if you could kindly step aside so we can take the Golden Diamond, we will leave you alone. Unless you want the hard way and want your cat to be killed right there."

Conor didn't respond but ran towards the assassin. Taken by surprise, he didn't have time to react. Together, they wrestled on the cavern floor. Suddenly, he felt someone pull him off and he was face to face with two assassins with axes. He didn't feel fear but it only made his anger grew. Without hesitation, he slashed at the men.

At the corner of his eye, he spotted Griffin bravely facing the other two assassins but he had enough problem facing three of the men to help Griffin. He could only hope that he would be fine.

Thinking fast, he quickly ducked a swinging axe and slid his leg under the assassin's, making him fall. The other assassin tried to attack him from behind but Conor rolled away and quickly kicked him on the side, making him stumble. The other assassin was still recovering and he took the chance. He ran up to them and kicked them both with to feet, sending them flying backwards, hitting the cavern wall, and falling unconscious.

He looked to where Griffin was and to his surprise, Griffin was sitting casually right on top of both assassins who were on the ground unconscious.

That's when he just remembered about Devin and spotted him already running for the Golden Diamond. Conor started running towards him with surprising speed. He didn't seem to notice but he felt a burst of energy go through him. Devin reached the Golden Diamond first, looking at it greedily, but he didn't seem to notice Conor. He turned at the last second just to be knocked over by Conor, the Golden Diamond knocked out of his hands. Conor knocked him over so hard that he sent him flying towards the wall and he fell to the ground in pain. Conor walked towards him, raising his sword above his head.

Book One - A Fairy Tale? (A Fairy Tale Series)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora