Chapter Fifteen - The Dark Mountains

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"I can't believe i'm doing this," Griffin muttered.

The group was climbing up the Dark Mountain. The sun was going down and they have little daylight left, making it harder for them to climb.

"Scared, Griffin?" Max teased him.

"No," Griffin replied, "I'm just not used to climbing mountains."

"Aren't cats used to climbing trees?"

"Trees and mountains aren't the same."

"You still climb it though."

"Climbing trees is different than climbing mountains."

"Can you two stop arguing and keep climbing?" Jeanette snapped, "we're on a mission here."

Instantly, they both shut their mouths at Jeanette's harsh tone and continued climbing. The group was on edge, knowing there are assassins trying to kill them and that they're on a mountain where no one has returned from.

"How are we going to find the Keeper?" Jeanette asked Conor.

"Probably in a cave," Conor answered, "We both dreamed that he was in a cave."

"Well, how are we going to find the cave?" Griffin asked, "There's probably a lot of caves in this mountain."

"By using our eyes," Max told him, flatly.

"We'll just have to keep looking," Conor said, "and hopefully we don't bump into those men that attacked us..."

They continued on more silently. Jeanette knew what he was thinking about, even though he didn't see it. Out of all of the group, Conor was the one who was mostly affected by John's death and he hadn't spoken much ever since. Jeanette felt a stab of anger

Who is trying to kill Conor and why? she thought. Why did they have to kill John? How can anyone be that cruel?

She was lost in her thoughts that she forgot to be careful and suddenly slipped. The next thing she knew was she was hanging from a small ledge with her legs dangling below her. She felt her hands slipping away quickly.

"Help!" she cried.

Just when her hands slipped away, she felt strong hands grab hers. She looked up and saw a boy, almost the same age as Conor. The boy pulled her up onto a ledge.

"Hey, are you okay?" he asked.

Even at a young age, the boy had a bit of a muscular figure. She realized that she was staring and she quickly shook her head.

"Um uh, yeah, fine, just great," she stammered.

"Jeanette, you okay?" she turned to see her friends running towards her, looking worried.

"Yeah, I'm fine," Jeanette reassured them, "Thanks to him."

She saw Conor narrowing his eyes at the boy, looking suspicious, "Who are you?"

"My name is Talon," the boy introduced himself, "Second in command of my tribe."

"Tribe?" Max echoed, "You mean, they live here?"

"Yes we live here," Talon smiled at Max, "There's only one tribe here in the Dark Mountains and we share it with the Keeper."

"The Keeper?" Griffin asked, "I thought that anyone who comes to the Dark Mountains never come back."

"That is indeed correct," Talon replied, "but it's anyone who doesn't have a purpose, never comes back alive. Our tribe has had a history with the Keeper. When the Great Keeper War started, the Keeper of Death was winning, most people sided with him but there was a resistance group, which was us. We convinced people to fight back for they feared the Keeper of Death. Our leader went to the Keeper of Life for help. When the war has won, the Keeper rewarded us to stay here in the Dark Mountains and help him guard the mountains."

"Wow," Max whispered, "I already like this guy."

"I don't," Conor muttered.

"I'm with you, Conor," Griffin agreed.

Talon must've hear what Griffin said for his eyes widened at Conor.

"Conor? As in, King Conor?" Talon exclaimed, then quickly bowed down, "Forgive me for not recognizing you earlier."

Conor was about to open is mouth but Jeanette beat him first.

"It's okay," Jeanette told him, "My name's Jeanette and I'm traveling with Conor. The dog's name is Max and the cat's name is Griffin."

"I can introduced myself," Griffin hissed at Jeanette, annoyed, but she ignored him.

Conor also felt annoyed. He wanted to say that he could speak for himself but he kept silent. Conor doesn't usually get angry that quickly but he was in a bad mood ever since they ran into this guy.

"Please come with me to my tribe," Talon offered, "You must be very tired and hungry. You can stay for as long as you want and we'll make a big feast in your honor."

"We should really get-" Conor started but Jeanette cut him off.

"It would be our pleasure," Jeanette answered with a smile.

"Great, follow me," Talon said, delighted and took the lead.

Jeanette and Max followed him eagerly while Conor and Griffin brought up the rear. Conor glared as Jeanette and Talon chatted like good friends. She didn't even ask if he agreed and Talon just ignored him. Conor kicked a stone angrily but no one took noticed, except Griffin.

"That my friend is the feeling called jealousy," Griffin meowed.

"Me? Jealous?" Conor exclaimed, "I'm not jealous!"

"Oh really?" Griffin said in an unbelieving tone.

"I'm not jealous," Conor insisted.

Griffin said nothing for a while, then spoke, "Have you noticed the way Jeanette looked at him? Looks like Talon has a secret admirer."

"What?" Conor exclaimed, angrily, "Why would Jeanette like that guy?"

"See, you're jealous."

"No i'm not!"

"Then why do you care if Jeanette likes him?" Griffin asked him, "Why do you get angry every time they glance at each other?"

"I'm not angry," Conor muttered through clenched teeth, but they both knew that it was a lie.

"It's obvious you have feelings for her."

"Me? Have feelings for her? Why would I have feelings for her?"

"Only you know that."

"How do you even know?"

"Not only am I the cat doctor," Griffin replied, "but i'm also the love doctor."

Conor just rolled his eyes.

"I don't have feelings for Jeanette," Conor insisted.

"Is it me you're trying to convince or yourself?" Griffin asked him then walked ahead.

He tried to look for an answer, finding none. He kept telling himself that he doesn't have feelings for Jeanette, but was it true?

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