Chapter Thirteen - He's Free!

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"Conor?" Jeanette was sitting beside Conor looking worried, "Please wake up."

They were outside the cave, drenched with water. John sat on his other side, looking equally worried. Max was beside John.

"Come on buddy," Max whimpered, "don't you dare die on me."

"Yeah Conor," Griffin meowed, who was sitting beside Jeanette, "the kingdom needs their king.

Even Griffin looked worried but Conor didn't move at all.

"Wait, I have and idea," Griffin meowed and jumped onto Conor's chest. Then he started jumping up and down on top of Conor.

"What are you doing?" Max growled.

"I'm trying to perform CPR," Griffin explained, still jumping.

"That's not how you do it," Max exclaimed, "you're killing him!"

"No," Griffin argued, "i'm saving him!"

"Guys enough!" Jeanette cut in, "Griffin, get off him right now."

Griffin jumped off him and glared at Max who glared back.

"We're not helping Conor by arguing," Jeanette went on.

Just then, she heard a moan and she looked down to see Conor stirring. He started coughing out water and he opened his eyes slowly.

"What happened?" Conor asked, hoarsely.

"Conor, you're alive," Max exclaimed while John let out a sigh of relief.

"Thanks to me," Griffin explained, "without my skills of doing CPR, you'd be dead. Next time, you should listen to the cat doctor more often."

Max and Jeanette rolled their eyes.

"Your majesty, I mean, Conor, are you alright?" John asked.

"Yeah, i'm fine," he managed to smile weakly, "thanks for saving me."

"I'm sorry, I should've went last," John said looking very sad.

"It's okay," Conor said, sitting up and putting a hand on his shoulder, "we're all alive so let's get going." Then he looked over at Jeanette, "Do you really want to come with us?"

"My cottage is probably gone now because of the fire," Jeanette answered, "and I owe you my life so i'm coming."

Conor started, "Okay then, but I warned you before, this mission-"

"Is dangerous, I know," Jeanette finished, sounding annoyed, "stop treating me like a child."

"Okay okay," Conor said, "I was just warning you."

"There's a village on the way," John said, "we can stop there for the night and we'll make it to the Dark Mountains before night fall if we go fast. It's called the Dark Village because it's the village is the border between here to the Dark Forest."

"Doesn't the Keeper of Death live in the Dark Forest?" Conor asked him.

"Yes but don't worry," he reassured them, "he's been locked up for years. We'll get there without a problem."

"Great," Jeanette muttered, "the sooner we get to the Dark Mountain, the sooner we'll get the Golden Diamond."

And the sooner i'll get my reward, she thought.

"How much longer till we reach the village?" Griffin whined, "I don't think I can last another day. I'm so tired that I can sleep for a year."

"You're not even walking," Max growled annoyed.

Book One - A Fairy Tale? (A Fairy Tale Series)Where stories live. Discover now