Chapter Seventeen - The Fight

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Once Conor stepped out of the entrance, he ran. He kept on running, not caring where he was going. Just then, he abruptly stopped and realized he had almost fallen off a ledge. He took deep breaths, trying to calm himself. He heard footsteps behind him and he turned to see Jeanette walking towards him with a worried expression. Max and Griffin appeared behind her looking equally worried.

"Hey, you okay?" Jeanette asked him.

"I'm fine," he muttered, "Aren't you supposed to be dancing with your boyfriend?"

"He's not my boyfriend," she said, blushing a bit, "He's just a friend."

"Really?" he asked sarcastically, "because it looked like you knew each other for years. Surprise, you just met today."

"What's gotten you into a foul mood?" Jeanette asked.

"Nothing," he muttered, "It's not like you would listen anyways."

"You say nothing is wrong when it's obvious there is," Jeanette said, "You said I wouldn't listen when i'm trying to help you right now."

"I don't need your help," he sneered, "I can take care of myself."

"Conor, you're not making any sense right now," she said, trying to calm herself, "Why are you acting like this?"

"Just leave me alone!" Conor shouted.

Everyone stared at him in shock, Conor himself was shock. They've never heard Conor this angry before. He's usually calm but something just turned on inside Conor, making him angry, a feeling he's never felt before.

He didn't have a moment to think before the words poured out of his mouth, "Just leave me alone. I'm leaving tonight to find the Keeper with or without you. You probably just came with me for the money. You can stay here with your boyfriend for all I care!"

He saw hurt filled her eyes which was soon replaced by anger.

"Fine," she fired, "You were right. I came with you just for the money. I never cared about you. The Keeper can eat you for all I care. I hope your happy being the hero to save your kingdom, your majesty."

Conor gave her a cold, dark look that made Jeanette flinch. This wasn't Conor. This wasn't her friend, her companion who saved her a couple of times. Her friend that she trusted with all her life. He looked like a total stranger.

"If this is the last time we'll meet, he said darkly, "then farewell."

Then he turned and walked away. Jeanette felt hollow inside as if a part of her was ripped off.

Andrew was sitting beside his brother, clearly worried. Edward became so sick that he could barely lift his hand. There was a knock on the door and Zachary walked in.

"Zachary, what are you doing here?" Andrew asked.

"Visiting my brother, of course," Zachary answered, "Conor hasn't been back for days now. Shouldn't you be king by now, Edward?"

"Conor...will...come back," Edward struggled to say.

"How do you know? he asked, "he might've been killed by the Keeper if he hadn't been eaten by a bear yet."

"We don't know," Andrew replied bravely, "but we have faith that he will come back. He made a promise that he'll come back and we'll wait for him to come back."

"Then be prepared for how long you'll be waiting for, if you can even wait for that long," Zachary sneered, looking at Edward then at Andrew, "He won't survive and he'll never come back. Edward is too sick to be king and will meet the same fate as father. I swear by oath, all the kingdoms will be mine!"

"I don't understand," Andrew said, looking very sad, "You and Conor used to be good friends but now... What happened?"

"Conor happened," Zachary said darkly, "Conor stole my dreams of becoming king. I was just a shadow of him, we all were!"

"That isn't true," he protested, "Even if you were better at sword fighting then him, he's still older than you and will surely become the king!"

"Well, not anymore," he replied then looked at Edward, "and certainly he won't either."

He walked towards the door but stopped.

"Say hello to father for me, Edward," Zachary told him darkly before closing the door behind him.

Closing the door to his brothers.

Conor walked away, not caring where he went. He didn't mean to say those words but it was too late now. There friendship was gone because it's all his fault. He let his feelings get in the way of their mission and their friendship. He didn't know how long he had been walking for he didn't even care.

"Why am I so stupid?" he muttered as he kept walking.

"No idea but I agree, you are stupid, at times."

He whirled around, only to see Griffin.

"Griffin," Conor exclaimed, "What are you doing here?"

"What are you doing here?" Griffin asked, "Why aren't you back at the village?"

"I already told you," he replied, "I'm going to find the Keeper."

"So what happened to finding the Keeper as a team?"

"I happened!" Conor fired, "I happened to be jealous and got my feelings in the way of our mission!"

"Oh, so I was right then," he meowed, "You are jealous."

"I...I am jealous," Conor said, half to himself, realizing that he was jealous.

"So stupid that it took you this long to realize you have feelings for Jeanette," Griffin muttered.

"Yeah...Wait, what?" Conor exclaimed, "Why would I have feelings for Jeanette?"

"Why would you get jealous?"

"I don't know, okay?" he snapped, "This is all very new to me and it's hurting my head."

"Yeah, it's been a long day huh?" Griffin said, looking up at the night sky, "So many things happened. We were being chased by assassins, John just died and you having feelings for Jeanette."

Just then, Conor remembered something, "Right, about John. Remember the song they sang in the village? The part where they sang about seeking the Golden Diamond?"

"Uh, yeah," he meowed, "The song was amazing."

"That's not what I meant," Conor said, "That part about seeking the Golden Diamond. John said the exact same words..."

"But how could he have known?" Griffin asked, "Unless..."

"Unless he's from the Dark Mountains," Conor finished.

It looks like there's much more they don't know about John.

Well that's the end for that chapter. Mysterious right? Please feel free to comment about your thoughts about this story. How are you liking it so far? Please stay tune for the next chapter!

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