Chapter One - Dog Lunch

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So i'm transferring this story here and re-editing it. Enjoy!

Jeanette was running as fast as she could. She looked at her watch.

5 minutes? I'm going to be late again!

She was already twice in a row and if she's late a third time, she'll never see the light of day ever again! Suddenly, she had an idea. She stopped right in front of a house. If she cuts through the backyard, she might make it in time but she remembered what happened the last time in there. She shuddered as she remembered huge ferocious teeth snapping at her. She looked at her watch again.

4 minutes. I'm running out of time!

She took a deep breath and jumped up the fence, landing on the other side, into their backyard. Her eyes darted around until she spotted it. She had to cross to the other side of the backyard and over the fence but there's one big problem. Right in between her and the way to school was a huge, sleeping, German Shepard. She fought herself to stay calm and started tiptoeing to the other side as quietly and as carefully as she could. She fought the urge not to run as she silently passed the sleeping dog. She finally passed the dog and went on more quickly.

I'm going to make it!

Just then, she heard a loud squeak and flinched. She looked down and realized she just stepped on a squeaky mouse toy. She whirled around and saw the dog glaring at her with sharp brown eyes, growling at her.

Why was there a mouse toy in the middle of the backyard? Dogs don't even chase mice!

The dog started advancing towards her slowly, giving a threatening growl. Jeanette backed up slowly, looking at the dog with wide, brown eyes.

"Nice doggy," she said nervously, "you're a very good doggy, right?"

She picked up the mouse toy.

"Hey, want to play fetch boy?" she asked shaking the toy more in fear, "Here, fetch."

She threw the toy all the way to the other side of the backyard but the dog just glared at her and kept coming. She almost stumbled over a ball and she quickly grabbed it.

"How about catch?" she offered, "Come on boy catch."

She threw it at the dog which just bounced of its face making the dog even angrier, his growls becoming louder. Jeanette kept backing up until she bumped into a wooden surface. She made it to the fence but she was trapped. If she tries to climb up the fence, the dog will just drag her back but if she stays, she's done for.

This is the end, I'm going to die and I didn't even say goodbye. This is so unfair. I just wanted to be early and her I am about to become a dog's lunch!

She looked at her watch for probably the last time of her life.

3 minutes. Just three more minutes! Well, I am going to die anyways.

Just then, her hands felt something made out of metal and she looked down to see a tap. There was a hose attached at the bottom of the tap. Her gaze landed on the end of the hose which was a few meters away from her and the dog. Another idea came to her mind and her eyes lit with determination.

I won't die yet, not today.

She cast another glance at the dog who stood frozen in spot as if it was trying to figure something out. She gave the dog a quick smile and then turned on the tap and dove head first for the hose. The dog must've figured out her plan for it dove for the hose as well but Jeanette reached it first. Just in time, she turned around, pointed right at the dog's mouth, which was wide open revealing huge sharp teeth, and sprayed it with water. The water went into the dog's mouth and it fell back from the force, coughing out the water.

Jeanette wasted no time and quickly got up and made a run for the fence. The dog recovered quickly and started running after her. She was nearing the fence but the dog was catching up quickly. The fence was half a meter above her head.

It's do or die!

She jumped as high as she could and grabbed the top of the fence. Using all her strength, she pull herself up before the dog bit her foot off and fell on the other side, landing on her butt.

I made it, I actually made it!

She looked at her watch and gasped.

2 minutes left! I need to go!

She quickly got up and ran towards her school. She didn't stop to look left or right as she ran across the street, almost getting hit by two cars who yelled angrily at her. She made it outside the school entrance and looked at her watch.

1 minute left!

She burst through the front doors, almost bumping into a girl, making her scream in surprise. She ran to the end of the hallway, turned a corner and then...


Thank you for those who've read this in my other account, Griff-FanFiction1933.

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