Chapter 4

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(Audrey's P.o.V)

    I wake up, feeling the softness of a bed and the warmth of sheets. I open my eyes more, seeing that the room is nothing like mine. It's walls are dark grey, there is a wardrobe, a dresser and bedside table. I look down, seeing the black hair and pink mustache of what Sam and Tim said, Wilford Warfstache. A odd name for an odd man.
    I heard his name before, on the internet, people talk about him and his crimes. Mostly murder. In the most famous one, The Ned Affair, he slept with a man's wife, killed them both, then killed their dog and their child. In another incident, he shot a cop, then was shot by the other, but he survived and again, went into hiding. After everyone thought he was dead, he became a reporter, interviewing people just the the hell of it. In one of his interviews with someone named Mark, he then killed him ON CAMERA! Again, he went into hiding.
    I sigh, sitting up and getting out of his bed. I go to walk but I trip over his leg and I fall with a thud. I groan, sitting up, looking at Wilford, who twitches and shifts, still sound asleep. I sigh, crawling over to him and looking at him. He looks so peaceful when he sleeps. How can he when he knows he's killed so many people and now, kidnapped a girl to live in his home with more killers. Sam, Tim and Angel seem okay...but Host, Anti and...Dark, they're horrible. I honestly shouldn't be getting on Dark's bad side...but, I can't help it. He keeps doing things that...remind me of Parker and his gang. 
    "At least I'm away from them..." I whisper, standing up and going over to the bedroom door to leave. I look back at Wilford, smiling faintly. Even though he is a psychotic murderer, he still has a soft spot...and that spot is for me. I open the door, go into the hallway and I close it behind me. 
    I get hit with the smell of pancakes and bacon, making me inhale deeply, taking it in and walking quickly to the kitchen. I peek in, seeing a man, wearing chef's clothing, like the white coat and white hat, flipping the pancakes and moving the bacon around in the pan. He takes the pancakes off the stove and the bacon on a cloth, then he stacks the pancakes on a plate, there are about 20 pancakes. He turns and looks at me, smiling.
    "Oh. Bon jour! I didn't know we had a new house guest! I'm Chef Iplier, you can just call me Iplier, if you'd like. Breakfast is ready, the others just need to wake up. You can get the first plate." He says in a French accent. His eyes are brown, sparkling with interest and excitement. It looks like he has black hair under the hat, judging by the hair on the back of his head that the hat doesn't cover. I smile back at him, going over to where he had set plates out, grabbing one then going over to get food.
    Everyone else seemed to get up one after the other, Sam and Tim came in after me, then Fire and Ice, then Anti and Dark, then Host and Angel, lastly Wilford. By that time, I was already done and talking to Sam and Tim on the couch. When we were talking, I would glance over at the kitchen table, everyone having their conversations and Wilford sitting there, staring down at his plate. I stare at him for a moment. He looks's how he's sitting. His shoulder slouched but trying to stay up, the uncomfortable shifting as he sits. I feel bad for him.
    After a little while, everyone is done and they come sit in the living room. Angel sits in his chair, where he was when I first got here and he looks at me.
    "So, Audrey, should we enroll you into school here? I mean, you are 15 and should be, since none of us are eligible to homeschool you." He asks, making my stomach twist. School? The one thing I'm terrified of. But, it's not like back home, so hopefully, this'll be okay. But, I will be the newbie....which isn't good in any situation. I'll just have to deal with it.
    "Yea...I guess. I mean, isn't it against the law to keep me from my education?" I say, hearing Fire and Ice squealing. Angel nods.
    "Then it's settled. You'll come with me tomorrow so I can enroll you into the high school." He informs. I hear Wilford mumble something under his breath, so I look at him, seeing his eyes on me. I get a shiver down my spin and I shake slightly, turning my attention to Fire and Ice, who are spouting to each other about me. Back in my old school, I never really had friends. Everyone was always against me...but it's nice to see people talking nicely about me. 


    Angel let me sleep in his room tonight as he takes a cloud that he made with his powers. I curl up under the covers, hugging Lucifer close to my chest. I take a deep breath, exhaling, turning over on my side facing the wall. 
    "Goodnight, miss Audrey." Angel hums, his voice echoing, very much like an angels would sound. I hum in response, drifting off to sleep with one last thought.

    Maybe it won't be so bad here.

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[DISCONTINUED] I'm Sorry, I Swear || Wilford Warfstache X Teen!Audrey ChristieWhere stories live. Discover now