Chapter 8

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(Audrey's P.o.V)

    "We need to hide Audrey before he gets here!" Sam shouts, his voice getting higher out of fear. I couldn't stop myself from asking the question.
    "Who's Glitch?" I look around at everyone for an answer. Host puts a hand on my shoulder and sighs.
    "Someone you don't wanna meet. He's dangerous." He says, his voice stern. I look up at him then at the ground.
    "So, I gotta hide from him," I ask, looking around at everyone. They nod, some hesitantly and some mumble an answer. I sigh, smiling, "Well, tell me where I'm gonna hide."

A/N: Glitch looks humanoid, but his eyes are like static on tv screens that don't work. He can teleport, phase through walls and make any piece of electronic glitch out when he's around.

(Wilford's P.o.V)

    It's been about 30 minutes since we hid Audrey under Angel's bed. He'll just be here for the night then he'll leave in the morning. What if he finds her in this span of time? What would he do to her if he did? What if-!
    "I'M HOOOME!~ And I brought a friend!" Dark's voice echoes through the house. I look towards the door, seeing him and Glitch. His staticy eyes wandering around the area. Dark looks at him and smiles, then his black eyes land on me, and that smile turns into a smirk. A devilish smirk.
    I know what he's thinking, but he doesn't know where she is, so he can't do anything.


(glįţçђęş pov)

    dāŗķ bŗoųgђţ mę ђęŗę bęçāųşę ђę wāŋţęd mę ţo ŗįd oƒ şomęţђįŋg, bųţ į doŋ'ţ ųŋdęŗşţāŋd wђāţ. ęvęŗyţђįŋg įŋ ţђę ђoųşę şęęmş ƒįŋę. į looķ āţ dāŗķ, wђo'ş şţāŗįŋg āţ wįlƒoŗd wįţђ ā ƒāŋgęd şmįŗķ. ђę lęādş mę ţo ђįş ŗoom āƒţęŗ ţђāţ āŋd ђę looķş āţ mę wįţђ ţђę şāmę ƒāŋgęd şmįlę.
    "Remember what I said? About getting rid of şomething," ђę āşķş, ţo ŗęmįŋd mę, wђįçђ į çlęāŗly ŗęmęmbęŗ. į ŋod. ђįş şmįlę gŗowş bįggęŗ. "There's a girl here. A human girl. And I want you to get her so terrified, angry, whatever...That she wants to leave. Got it?"
    ā ђųmāŋ gįŗl, lįvįŋg ђęŗę? oђ ţђįş įş goŋŋā bę ƒųŋ. şђę'ş ђįdįŋg, į ķŋow ţђāţ mųçђ. bųţ wђęŗę. į looķ āţ dāŗķ, ā şmįlę āçŗoşş my ƒāçę.
    "lęţ ţђę ђųŋţ bęgįŋ."

AYYYYE, LOOK AT THAT. I UPDATED THIS BOOK WITH AN ACTUAL CHAPTER!  WOOOO!  THANK YOU FOR BEING PATIENT. But, ehehehhehe this took forever. Glitch is.... Why do I do this? But I love him like all my other kids so XD. What do you think he'll do to Audrey if he finds her? What will Wilford do? And will she do?

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[DISCONTINUED] I'm Sorry, I Swear || Wilford Warfstache X Teen!Audrey ChristieKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat