A/N - One Year

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You might all know, but Sunday... Is the day we lost an amazing man, named Daniel Kyre. So, there will be no updates on Sunday. There will be nothing Sunday, except for tributes on my Twitter and Instagram and quite possibly Tumblr.

Last year, on Friday, September 18th, 2015, he had peacefully passed on to the next life. We all miss him dearly, some more than others. But I want to say something. I didn't know who he was before the incident, and when I watched videos with him in it and such, I could feel to sadness and grief in everyone's hearts. I could also see something that no one else could. His hurt. Though he seemed so happy, I saw in his eyes, the pain of whatever he went through. And I, and many others, wish we could have saved him.

He would be proud of what everyone has become now. Matt and Ryan's channel is growing, so is Mark's. We all remember him, missing him truly. I wish to see him once I grow older and older.

If Daniel could hear us now, I want him to know we miss him and he will always be in our hearts.

We love you, Daniel.

[DISCONTINUED] I'm Sorry, I Swear || Wilford Warfstache X Teen!Audrey ChristieWhere stories live. Discover now