Chapter 20: Aaron?(4)

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Jack's POV:
I've been here for 2 weeks. He still feeds me, but he also tortures me. I had finally figured out where we were. We were in the basement of the hardware store. Right now, Aaron was gone. I took this opportunity to get my phone and text Mark.
J: Mark plz help me. Aaron has me trapped in the basement of the hardware store
M: OMG Jack is that really you?
J: yes Mark its me. I really need your help. I miss you and my family soooo much
M: wait, if this is the real Jack, tell me something only Jack would know
J: when you were 5, you peed your pants at school and lied to the teacher saying you spilled juice on yourself
M: It is you! Don't worry! I'm coming to save you
I hid my phone this time so Aaron couldn't get it. Then, I heard the door open.
"I'm back with food."
Then he threw the bag at me.
"I didn't know or care what to get you, so I just got you something random."
I didnt say anything. I just glared at him.
"Ahem, where's my thank you?"
"I rolled my eyes and sighed.
"Thank you."
Then he grinned.
"See, that wasn't that hard."
I looked in the bag and saw a hamburger in it. I took the hamburger out, unwrapped it, and proceeded to eat it. I really hope Mark gets here soon.
Mark's POV:
I ran as fast as I could to get to the hardware store. Once I got there, I had to find where the stairs to the basement was. I spotted them and snuck my way to the door. I opened it and headed downstairs. I saw Jack sitting on the floor with a rope on his feet, eating a hamburger. I decided to hide behind some boxes. I was very quiet peeked behind the box.
"I still don't understand why I'm here. You started the fight that day. I had finally decided to fight back. I was sick of your bullshit. I couldn't take it anymore. I had all this bulit up anger and I took all of it out on you. I didn't know that you would end up with that on your stomach. But if you hadn't made me so miserable, we might've never fought."
Then I heard chuckling.
"Ya know, I'm going to let you in on a little secret. I always knew you were gay. I saw the way you looked at girls and boys. It was obvious that you liked guys more. After I figured it out, I continued to be your 'friend' until you came clean. To be honest, I was never your actual friend. I was just being your friend out of pity. But once you told me you were gay, I was happy because then I wouldn't have to pretend to be your friend anymore."
I felt bad for Jack. I couldn't believe he pretended to be his friend. What a douchebag. I looked at Jack and saw tears coming out of his eyes. I was starting to get angry now. I decided to stop hiding.
"You leave Jack alone!"
Hey guys! I know what you're thinking:
'What's gonna happen next?'
And I'm not gonna tell you. But I will tell you that the next chapter will have scene that might make you cry. Anyways, if you liked this chapter, HIT that vote button in the face and feel free to leave comments down below!

Also, I would like to recommend another story called Lets Play a Game by katzombiegirl. So far, I love this story! It has different youtubers and a BIG plot twist!

I love you guys and I will see you in the next chapter! <3


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