Chapter 16 Performance

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*Katie's POV*

I can't believe it. Super Junior is the celebrity performers. As soon as they started singing, and the curtains were pulled back, girls started swarming in front of the stage, screaming the names of their biases. "Yah Jansu I guess..." I looked over to find Jansu gone. "Where'd she go?" I caught sight of her short figure in the back of the group, jumping up and down, trying to see them.

I walked up to Jansu's side, as she jumped up and down. "I can't believe it! It's Super Junior!" She grabbed my hands and jumped up even higher as her excitement bubbled out. I looked up at the stage and watched the members dance and sing in their tuxedos. "Come on!"

Jansu dragged me back and started dancing. Taehyun and Yunmin ran up to us and started dancing as well. Well I couldn't stand there like an idiot while my friends danced, so I joined them. Others followed our lead and started dancing to Mr Simple as well. As the song ended, the members stood in a straight line. "We are Super Junior~!"

The music changed to Sorry Sorry. The members got into position and I saw Kangin and Hangeng run onto the stage. The songs changed from Miracle, to Bonamana, then to Sexy, Free, and Single.

The stage turned dark for a second, then shined once again on Ryeowook, Yesung, Kyuhyun, and Sungmin. The music slowed, and the few girls who werent screaming partnered up with boys. Taehyun walked up to me and we danced to the beautiful voices singing What If.

"Hi again." Taehyun greeted me.

"Hi." I replied happily.

"Well, now you and Jansu don't have to do your investigation anymore." He said with a smile.

"Guess not." I let the music sink into me, dancing to the slow beat with Taehyun. I looked over and saw Jansu dancing with Yunmin again with a giant smile on her face. "Look." I motioned towards the pair. "Don't they look cute."

Taehyun laughed. "At least Jansu does." We waved at the pair, who waved back. I looked up at the stage again, listening to the pretty song as it came to a close all to soon.

The 4 left the stage and were replaced by Donghae and Eunhyuk and some back up dancers. I heard a girl scream Donghae's name, and saw Taylor and her minions jumping up and down in excitement. Donghae and Eunhyuk performed Oppa Oppa while getting a huge roar from the crowd of girls. Taehyun gave me a wide smile and ran up to Yunmin, while Jansu ran up to me. "Watch this." Taehyun and Yunmin danced along with the music, every step matching the celebrities' perfectly. "They dance to this all the time! It's their favorite song."

I watched the 2 in amazement. Everything was perfect, and they mirrored Eunhyuk and Donghae exactly. When the song ended it made me sad to see Taehyun and Yunmin disappointed that the song was over.

"Come on, lets get them some drinks." Jansu and I walked back to the drinks and got 2 cups of sherbert sprite and walked back to them as Super Junior started singing No Other. "Yay! This is one of my favorites!" I squealed happily. We gave Yunmin and Taehyun their drinks and sat down at a table. Jansu and I started singing along with the members.

The song changed to U, It's You, then ended with Break Down. All the members, including Henry and Zhou Mi, walked back into the center of the stage in a straight line. "Hello! Is everyone having a good time tonight?" Leeteuk asked.

"Yes!" We all answered.

"That's good. Were you all happy to see us?" Girls screamed yes. "Your principal asked us to come here tonight to make your night even more enjoyable. We'll be doing this by having a fan chat. Is that alright with everyone?" Once again the girls, including Jansu, screamed yes. "Alright. So lets get this thing started!"

The members performed silly dances and short solos. They soon began calling girls and answering their questions, or doing silly acts for them. "Okay! So how about we have Sungmin bring one of these pretty girls up here and we'll ask her some questions?" Leeteuk asked the other members. They all agreed, and Sungmin walked down the steps by the DJ's things.

Girls started screaming as he walked by them, wanting to be picked. He stopped for a moment and looked around the gym, his gaze landing on 1 table... mine. He changed his direction towards Jansu, Taehyun, Yunmin, and me, followed by the girls squealing for him to choose them. He slowed down and stopped in front of me. "Would you like to come up for a few minutes?"

I could hear Jansu's excited squeal as my heartbeat grew faster in nervousness. "Ah, sure." What were they up to? Sungmin took my wrist and led me through the jealous girls and onto the stage.

"Hello!" The members greeted me as Sungmin dropped me off in front of them. "What's your name?" Kangin asked me.

*What are they doing?* "Katie Smith." I answered slowly.

"Hi Katie. You don't look like your from here. Are you from the states?" Leeteuk asked me.

"Uh, yes. I'm from PA." I replied.

"Oh! That's close to where Henry's from! Maybe you could talk about it sometime." Girls screamed at Leeteuk's suggestion. "Have you heard of Super Junior before?"

Alright, I was getting annoyed. Why would they bring me up here to ask me stupid questions they already know? There's got to be a catch. "Yes I have. I love your music." I had to play along to figure out what they wanted to know.

"Thank you!" They all thanked me. Leeteuk looked at each of the members. "You must have a favorite right?"

Shock hit me as the realization sunk in. So this is what they wanted to know?! In all the ways they could try to get it out of me, they chose THIS!!! They all looked at me with smug faces. When we get back... "Yes I do." I held back the anger that started to boil.

"Who is it?" Sungmin asked excitedly. I didn't answer, knowing that if I spoke something bad might come out.

"Oh look, she's turning red with embarrassment." Leeteuk commented with a laugh. That was not a shade of shy red. It was a shade of I'm-gonna-kill-you red. "To save her some trouble, how about we turn around, and she gives her bias a back hug?" The girls started screaming while the boys turned around.

I looked at the backs of the boys, trying to decide what to do. I could back hug Leeteuk, and secretly pinch him because this just had to be his idea, or I could hug Ryeowook. Leeteuk and revenge? Or hug my real bias?


A/N: What does Katie choose to do? You'll just have to find out in the next chapter!

Have any of you heard of the group Seventeen? If so, do any of you know when they're supposed to debut? Please tell me in the comment section. Thank you!

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