Flawed Perfection Ch. 13

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Hi guys! Aren't you proud of me for keeping to my weekly schedule? I actually wrote this chapter in a week :3 I'm proud of myself lmao XD The picture on this side links with the story. Duh. The song on the side makes me think of Luke and Charlotte hehe they so cute!


I sighed and flopped onto my bed and glanced around my room. This was probably going to be the longest two weeks of my life. I went over the rules in my head.

No car, no friends, no going anywhere for two weeks.

This would be hard. On the upside at least they hadn’t taken my phone. You’d have thought they would’ve been harder on me for sneaking out in the middle of the night… Maybe they just figured I was technically an adult, young adult, and that I could be out and about. It was just really stupid of me. I shouldn’t have done that.

Although it was kind of nice to see the whole winter at nighttime thing, that was pretty nice. It looked mystical.

“Charlotte! Breakfast!” My mom called up the stairs, loud enough that I heard her through the door.  

I frowned. Breakfast? I couldn’t just eat. There was no way to exercise in this dump unless I tried to salvage Dad’s old treadmill which I’m pretty sure has been lost for a decade. Every year he decides to get into better shape and every February he ends that. A while ago he’d bought that treadmill but found it was easier to just drive to a gym. I mean who’d want to run in the basement that wasn’t even painted?

“Coming!” I shouted back, standing up.

I’d need to change. I was still in the clothes I’d fallen asleep in yesterday. My stomach growled, reminding me that my only dinner had been a slice of bread. 

I quickly put on a new outfit consisting of jeans and an old dance t-shirt. It felt a bit big which was odd. Normally it clung to me and showed off my body in a bright blue. The shirt felt loose…

I bounded down the stairs and to the table. I need food. It would be all right if I ate normally today and just cut back for the rest of my punishment. That would I wouldn’t gain any weight. Although I might not lose any… This was going to be really hard.

“Hey Mom.” I said taking my place at the table. Dan was already sitting down across from me.

“Hi Honey, thanks for joining us.” She said obviously mad that I took so long. Another thing I’ve never understood about parents. She hasn’t even set out the breakfast food and she’s annoyed I didn’t come down soon enough. They just expect you to come down at top speed and they aren’t even done with whatever they want you there for…

“Yeah.” I said with an eye roll. Dan smiled at me, taking the glass of orange juice Mom handed him. 

“Where were you this morning?” he asked drinking some of the juice. He kind of acted like he was questioning me as though he were a police officer.

“Out.” I answered vaguely, accepting my own orange juice. “Thanks.” I remembered to use my manners before turning back to Dan.

“Interesting, interesting.” He mumbled. I could tell he was enjoying playing the cop here. He raised an eyebrow when I laughed at him.

“Where exactly ‘out’ were you Miss Charlotte?” he asked seriously. I wondered if this was all just a plan so he’d know where I was or if he was just playing around. You never could tell with Dan.

“I was at the park.” I told him with a chuckle draining half my orange juice. “You know, you’re absolute favorite place to go.” Dan’s eyes widened.

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