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Ezra's POV
I didn't get to check my email until we got to Europe. I had sent Aria a few texts but hadn't got a response. I just thought she must be super busy with the kids. When I got that email, it hit me hard. I hadn't expected it at all. I sat in my hotel room, feeling alone, crying over my computer screen. I wasn't the same the rest of the trip. Every interview and every talk show I just couldn't feel happy. Although I put a fake smile on my face, I'm not smiling inside. As I talked about my wife and kids, my heart felt heavy as if it was going to break. Once the trip was over, I rushed home to find it empty. A small note sat on the kitchen counter.

It doesn't feel the same anymore. I need to leave for awhile. Please forgive me.
- Aria.

I ripped up the note and threw it into the trash. Aria had left me. Aria had left me once again. 
I called her and called her but didn't get an answer. That's when I turned to drinking. I was wasted half the time, screaming and crying and wishing she was here with me. I slept alone, every night. I cried myself to sleep. I crashed bottles and punched walls. Every time I saw her picture I broke. I would collapse onto the floor and lay there for hours. I wouldn't clean the house. It was a total mess but I didn't care. I flew out a few times to see the kids but had the door slammed in my face every time. I don't know what I did wrong and that was what was killing me. She was my drug. I was addicted, but I was now addicted to alcohol and without her I wouldn't be able to stop.

A/N: so that's the end! Can you please comment below if you want me to write a sequel? Because I think this story has way more so please please comment! Thank you all!!!

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