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Ezra's POV
It took me two and a half hours to finally reach New York. Aria's apartment was in a nicer part of the city which I was grateful about. She was safe. She was okay. I pulled my car into a parking spot and swung open my door. It was actually happening. I was going to face Aria. I ran up some steps and knocked on the door. I waited a minute.. Then two... Then three. Her window was cracked open and the curtains were swaying. I was sure she knew it was me and wasn't answering. I wondered if she'd even bothered watching the video. I was going to talk to her. I needed to talk to her. I would never stop feeling guilty until I saw her face again. I bent down and pulled up the mat since that's where she'd always hid the extra key at our apartment. Sure enough, there was a single key. I picked it up and put it in the lock. It clicked and a few seconds later I was in.
"Aria!" I called out, closing the door softly behind me.
Her apartment wasn't very clean like ours at home. The bed wasn't made and their was dirty dishes in the sink. I walked over to the couch and saw that the envelope was siting on top of it.... empty. So she did watch it. Was she hiding from me?
"Aria!" I called again, louder this time.
I passed her bed but stopped suddenly when something caught my eye. A grey man's t-shirt was lying on the floor. Oh my god. She'd already moved on. I brought my hand up to my mouth where I silently sobbed. I'd really done it this time. She was over me. She was already over me.

Ezria: Come back to me Where stories live. Discover now