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Aria's POV
I had probably watched that video one hundred times. I watched him cry about his mistakes and how he wanted me back. I don't know if I could forgive him, but I think we needed to talk face to face. I packed up a small bag, only bringing the necessities. I didn't have time to clean up. I left the bed unmade and the dishes dirty. One of his t-shirts was lying on the floor but I needed to leave now. I left a spare key under the door mat like I always do incase I lose mine. The wind blew in my hair as I ran to car. My high heels didn't do me much justice but that's one thing Ezra always said he liked about me. That's when the reality of all this hit me. I was going to see Ezra. I was actually going to see him, not through a computer screen. I shoved the key into the ignition and headed for Rosewood. The town where I fell in love with him. The town he broke my heart and the town I'd left.

Ezria: Come back to me Where stories live. Discover now