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Aria's POV
My friends had gone home last night. It was sad to see them go but that had even stayed an extra week to make sure we were set for the arrival of our babies. They promised to visit after the babies were born.
"Ezra!" I said, kicking off the blanket of our bed.
He didn't wake up until I hit him.
"What? What? I'm up" He rolls over
"I think the babies are coming"
He shoots up fast, grabbing the bag of hospital clothes we had packed.
"Let's get going" he says, helping me out of bed and into the car.
"Are you excited?" He asks, both hands on the wheel, determined to get to the destination.
"Ye... Ughhhhh" I call "my water just broke"
"I'm driving as fast as I can. Hang in there, honey" He says, giving me a little pep talk.
When we get to the hospital, he runs inside to get a wheelchair. I wait for him impatiently. These babies we're coming and they were coming now. Ezra finally returns with the wheelchair and he helps me out of the car.
"We're having our babies" He says, rubbing my shoulder as he pushes me into the hospital.
They gave me a room right away and I was set up on an IV. Soon enough it was time to start pushing. Ezra stood next to me, holding my hand as I pushed.
"One.. Two.. Three... Four.. Five... Six... Seven... Eight... Nine... Ten" The doctor counts
"That was a good one. I can almost see the head"
I look over at Ezra exhausted and baby number one wasn't even out yet.
"You can do this, babe" He said, kissing my forehead.
"Okay let's start again. One.. Two.. Three" The doctor counts and then I hear crying.
"You have a beautiful baby boy" She calls
"Do you wanna cut the cord?"
Ezra walks over and the nurse hands him the scissors. He cuts the cord and the nurse scrambled over, picking up my precious baby boy. She cleans him off while I still push.
"Baby number two is coming, Aria. One more big push" The doctor says.
I grunt, squeezing Ezra's hand hard. I hear more crying.
"Look how beautiful she is" The doctor holds her up, so I can see while Ezra cuts the cord.
Both the babies were clean and soon enough placed in our arms.
"It's time to name these beautiful human beings" Ezra says, cradling our daughter.
"Well our sons name" I say, taping his little nose. "Mason Ezra Fitz"
"You added my name in there" He says, smiling down at our precious baby.
"Yeah we did" I say.
"So this little princess" He sits on the edge of the bed.
"I like the name Hope" I tell him.
"Hope Marie Fitz" He says
"I love it. I love them. I love you" I say as he leans in to kiss me.
"Would you mind?" Ezra asks, giving the nurse his phone.
"Not at all" She holds up the phone "everyone say twins!"
"Twins!" We call in unison and the picture is taken.
"Now that's a keeper" He says, showing me.
We look like such a cute little family.
"A perfect one for your picture frames" I say, smiling.
"Yeah it is"

Ezria: Come back to me Where stories live. Discover now