Chapter Seven

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[Author's Note: It's been a busy week for me! Good thing I suddenly got inspired and ended up writing this one. Hahaha. Enjoy!! - xx Shan]

[ps. I made a short book trailer! Hihihi.]

I could see Zac waving his hands excitedly inside the store as I walk.

I smiled at his expression; first, because he does look more okay now, not like yesterday, so it's a relief. Second, he's pretty... ugh. How could he look so cool in a sweater too big for him and ripped jeans?

Zac opened the door for me, and without thinking, I hugged him.

A day without him feels like a year.

"Woah," he chuckled. "You really did miss me," he went on, hugging me back.

I let go and then glared at him, "What do you mean?"

"Spencer told me you were miserable at school yesterday and today as well."

I groaned, "No, of course not. I'm going to kill him." Why does Spencer go off telling him stuff like this? Does Spencer notice as well that I kinda' have a crush with Zac?

"Too bad you can't kill him today," he shook his head with mock disappointment. "He told me he can't come with us tonight since he 'can't miss the pilot episode of the new season of Pretty Little Liars'," he quoted.

That punk.

We sat at one of the benches outside the store while waiting for Demi.

"I'm sorry again," Zac suddenly said out of nowhere.

"For what again?"

"Because I made you worry," he said sincerely. "I felt a little guilty after Spencer told me you looked really sad after what happened yesterday."

I sighed, "I just can't see my friend in pain or something... and yesterday, you looked really sick and the fact that I can't do anything about it kind of sucks."

"I won't ever do that again to you, I promise." me.

I waited for him to go on with his sentence by adding "...and Spencer, and Demi, and Brianna."

But he didn't.

I didn't get a chance to blush from what he just said because my phone suddenly rang from my backpack. It's Demi calling.

"D!" I greeted. "Where are you?"
"Hey, I'm really sorry Olivia," she apologized at the other line. "I can't come tonight."

My stomach flipped... no Spencer... no Demi...

"W—why?" I stuttered.

"Uh... I... I have... I have a... date?" she stumbled for words. She's a really bad liar.

"Demi," I almost bellowed.

"Any-hoo, enjoy your date with Zac tonight!" she exclaimed and hangs up.

I have a strong feeling that Spencer and Demi planned this. Those two little punks are dead when I see them.

"By the look on your face it seems like Demi's not coming," Zac guessed as soon as I threw my phone back inside my bag.

"Yeah," I sighed.

"Well," he sighed as well, stretching his long legs in front of him. "This night probably was meant for just the two of us."

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