Chapter Three

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[Author's note: Dedicated to Matthew again since he's the only one reading this. Hahahaha. - Shan]

Spencer's jaw dropped when Brianna sat in front of him at lunch the next day. I forgot to give him a heads up this morning.

The talkative Spencer ran out of words to say. He doesn't look surprised or awkward around Brianna. He's just quiet. And it bothered me a lot because he was like that until after school.

Zac called me that night.

"She's his first love," Zac told me.

"Really," I said, not really asking. I've never had a childhood crush or something—oh wait, I think I had one. There was this kid I used to catch stealing flowers at my Grandma's garden one Christmas at Nashville; back when I was maybe about 6 or 7 years old. He used to wear this bright yellow baseball cap. I probably fell in love with his hat and not with him, but I remembered getting really disappointed when I didn't see him anymore the next year. And now, it saddens me a little since I'm already starting to forget how he looks like.

"She never returned his feelings though," he went on.

"That... that is probably one of the worst things that could happen to a person," I commented. Based on Spencer's actions today, Brianna probably had a big impact in his life.

"Do you know the crappiest thing in the world aside from someone not loving you back, Lily?" he asked me.


"Not loving at all."

I clutched the phone closer to my ear; I can almost hear him breathing. The way he let those words slip out of his mouth was magical. I can't see his face right now but I can feel that he is smiling on the other line.

He's always smiling.


I can't believe I survived my first week in a new school without accidentally stabbing myself with a fork or tumbling down a flight of stairs. I freakin' survived. And I feel like I could continue living like this; especially when I met probably the best people in the world.

I drove Mom to her Daycare that weekend. They are conducting a mini sports fest for the little kids and I think it would be the cutest thing in the world, so I asked her if I could watch. She agreed but asked me to drive her in return.

While watching the kids play the sack race at the middle of the field, I felt someone sit beside me at the bleachers.

"The Baader-Meinhof Phenomenon."

I almost jumped when I heard Zac's voice beside me. I looked at him incredulously. It's really him. I'm not hallucinating. He's here. At my Mom's daycare.

He continued smiling, his eyes fixed on the playing kids. "It's an event," he went on. "You know that moment when you see or hear a new word, and then after that, that word would just pop up everywhere?"

I didn't answer; I am completely awed with his presence right now. He looks like he's glowing with his bright yellow shirt, and his yellow green cap he wore snapback.

"But this time," he continued speaking, not realizing the effect he's giving me right now. "It's not a word," finally he looked at me. "It's you Lily," he ended.

I wonder how I look like right now. Crap. I'm wearing the ugliest shirt and sweatpants right now. "What are you doing here?" I immediately regret asking that after the thing he just said. I don't know if I'd be flattered with that or something though.

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