Chapter Two

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[Author's Note: Thank you for reading this story and adding it to your reading list! You guys made my day! ♥ - Shan]

Our house was empty when I came home from school. I heard Dad's work ends at 6 pm while Mom's at the Daycare Center until 4. She's a preschool teacher.

I went straight to my room and collapsed on my bed.

Today felt like a dream, really. This was the first time people had accepted me that easy. They don't even look like they are forced to talk to me or something. It feels awesome.

I crawled to the foot of my bed to get my laptop. I'll just re-watch one F.R.I.E.N.D.S episode before I organize the stuff I haven't taken out yet from the boxes. My room still looks like a storage room because of the boxes piled at every corner of it.

Absentmindedly, while waiting for the video to load, I opened my Facebook page and started searching for Zac's profile. I always have this habit of searching the FB profiles of people I meet or names I hear, so this is a usual thing for me. It's not like I'm interested with Zac... or something. I'll be searching for Spencer and Demi's later after this.

Apparently, there are loads of "Zac Taylor" in this planet. But there is only one Zac Taylor who smiles the brightest.

I clicked on his profile, his beaming face welcomed me. He's hugging a huge St. Bernard dog while they sit by the beach. His eyes were covered by his bangs, but I can almost feel that they are piercing right through me; the same thing I've felt while we were at our lockers this morning.

I found myself staring at his photo. I can't believe such person exists.

Then my eyes wandered to the "Send Friend Request" button.

Crap. Should I?


No Olivia.

That would make you look like a—


Zac Taylor sent you a friend request.

Oh crap. Oh crap crap crap.

Should I add him at this instant?

Or should I let his request sit there for a couple of hours?

Oh no. If I accept now him he might think that I'm waiting for his invite.

But if it would take me a while to click Accept, he might think that I'm a snob or something and just cancel his request.


Sheez. I clicked the Accept button.

No. No. No. Olivia.


One Message from Zac Taylor.


Ugh. I accidentally clicked on his chatbox.


Now I've "Seen" his message. There's no turning back.

Zac: Lily!

Me: Hi.

Zac: Are you busy?

Me: No.

Zac: Great. Good thing you're online. I was about to ask you something.

Me: What?

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