Chapter Six

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[Author's Note: Sorry in advance for the typos! :---( xx-Shan]

Without You - Oh Wonder

Cause I'm kicking up stones without you
Can't pick up the phone without you
I'm a little bit lost without you
Without you  


"Well it looks like you and Brianna are best friends now."

Zac nudged me playfully while we walk down the hallway for American History the next day.

"What made you say that?"

"I heard you call her Rianne at English," he told me, still smiling.

Then I remembered the thing Rianne and I talked about yesterday.

"You didn't tell me that Rianne's Mom and your Mom were in the same plane crash," I told him.

"I thought that wouldn't be necessary," he answered. Well, he has a point. But even though, it kind of made me think about stuff. Ugh. Olivia, stop over thinking over nothing. As if Zac would have to tell you everything about his life.

I looked at him, he seems paler than usual. Zac have this really pale skin; he almost shines whenever the sun hits him. He's like a real life Edward Cullen or something. Ew. Did I just insert a Twilight reference just now?

"Are you okay?" I asked him. "You look pale."

He shook his head, smiling and messing my hair. "Are you worrying for me now?"

I rolled my eyes, "I worry about almost everything."

He laughed, "Well you don't have to worry about me. I'm okay."

"Are you sure?"

"Do you want me to do some push-ups? Sit-ups?" he offered. He stopped walking and started taking off his backpack.

He's about to sit on the floor probably to do some sit-ups when I pulled him back up with his sleeves. Everyone's looking at us. "Okay okay, I get it. You're okay."


At the gym, Mr. Bolts made the girls practice volleyball while he made the boys play basketball. I think it's pretty sexist though. But, whatever. I just stayed at the back of the gym, watching my classmates play their assigned ball games, and pretending to get ready to hit the volleyball whenever I catch Mr. Bolton looking at me.

I was about to try hitting the volleyball for real, moments later, when someone suddenly screamed from the other side of the gym where the guys are playing basketball.

Student's started rushing to the commotion while I just stayed on where I'm standing. Someone must've gotten into an accident and broke an arm or anything. Just thinking about broken bones makes me cringe.

"Hey!" Demi called, I looked around and saw her and Brianna running towards my direction. "Let's go check out what happened."

I tried resisting, but Demi's already pulling me towards the other side of the gym, Brianna walking and looking uninterested behind us.

The three of us pushed our way to the crowd. I saw Spencer being squished by our classmates. "What happened?" I asked.

"Zac--!" he said, finally getting out of the crowd's pushing; he ran towards our direction.

I catch my breath after hearing Zac's name; suddenly I felt that something isn't right.

Spencer pulled us through the crowd. The four of us landed at the center of the circle.

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