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I watched as his face glowed red. I laughed at his fluster. "Kata." Hatori said sternly. I stopped laughing. I tucked my legs under me and sighed.

"Let's hurry up and get his over with." I said, rolling my eyes. I put my weight on left arm as I leaned back. Rafe jumped onto my lap and licked my hand. 

"Oh, can I ask the first question?" Momiji asked. "Where do you live Kata?"

"Oh, I live in the forest. I was caught up in a landslide last week so I cant sleep in the cave I use to sleep in." I said, petting Rafe's head. I looked at Momiji and smiled.

"Who was that guy chasing us?" Kyo asked sitting on the opposite side of the room with his arms crossed.

"Mizukuro Sato. He was a friend of mine when I was younger." I said. I gave a soft smile and looked at Rafe.

"Some friend he is." Kyo mumbled. "What kind of friend chases another with a gun?"

"He only does that because I did something horrible to him. I ruined his life terribly, but I also saved it." I answered.

"What do you mean by that?" Momiji asked. I smiled at him and put my hand in his head.

"You know you look a lot like him. Kuri use to play with me everyday. I lost my parents at a young age, so Kuri's parents took me in. It was extra weight on their shoulder's, but they never let it show. One night I got cold so I went downstairs and overheard heard their conversation. They were talking how horrible their debt is, then they started to plan on selling Kuri. They came at me when I confronted them. I got so scared that I changed. I killed them and Kuri came down as I was shifting back." A tear fell down my face.

Everyone stared at me in shock. Suddenly, something cut my cheek and drew some blood. I jumped up and bolted for the door. Kuri was standing outside, holding a gun. 

"Found you." he said, before laughing.  

"Kuri! Go away! Can't you leave me alone!?" I yelled.

"No, you ruined my life. Are they your new play toys? Are you going to use them and kill them too?" he said laughing.

"Don't talk bad about her!" Momiji yelled.

"YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT YOUR TALKING ABOUT!" Kyo yelled. I hunched my shoulders and started laughing. I knew I had to do this to protect them.

Kyo's POV

I heard something. I look over and seen Kata laughing. She looks up and laughs. "Your right, Kuri. I was planning on giving them a sappy story and kill them later." she said. She gave him an insane smile. Rafe came up to her and clawed her leg. Kata picked him up and threw him at me. I caught him. She glared at me. "Hey, be useful and take care of the mutt, or let him die. I don't care either way."

"I told you, didn't I?" Kuri said. Kata's face twisted into sadness and regret before she took off towards woods. Mizukuro chased after Kata. Pain struck my heart. I don't know why, but I want to go and help her. I give Momiji Rafe and turn towards the woods she disappeared into.

"Kyo!? Didn't she just say that she would use and kill us? Why are you going to help her?" Black Haru asked.

"Because you don't know her. She didn't mean any of it. She was just saying it to get his attention away from us. She did the same thing in the woods at the school." I snapped. 

I bolted towards the woods. Don't do anything reckless. I'm coming to help. I kept running. I heard others running behind me. The rest followed me.  


We run through the forest. We look for Kata. We heard gun shoots. My emotions started to get the better of me. I stopped and Tohru ran into me, knocking off my bracelet. I shifted into my true form. I bolted where I heard the gun shots come from. I came to a clearing and saw Kata on the ground bleeding and Kuri standing over her. I roared.

Kuri looked at me and fell backwards. Kata looked at me and smiled. I was really confused, but I was really angry. I run over and pick her up. Kata laughed, blood running out her mouth. "So, you figured out my lie." she said. She tilted towards Kuri. "I didn't lie. I was telling the truth when I told you that your parents were planning on selling you."

Slowly, she reached up and ripped her necklace off. She tossed it him and smiled. "I recorded it that night." Was all she said before going limp. Tears flowed down my face. I set her down and Kuri picked the necklace up. Anger was coursing through my veins. The others finally caught up. Hatori ran straight to Kata. Kata's pack came out growling.

"KYO! WE NEED TO HURRY AND GET HER TO THE HOUSE! SHE'S LOST A LOT OF BLOOD, BUT I CAN SAVE HER!" Hatori yelled. I quickly grabbed both Hatori and Kata and bolted back to the house. I was running with all the speed I could. Anger, desperation and relief flooded me. I kept running until I got there. 

And for the first time in my life, I was happy for my true form.  

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