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In the other version, this was suppose to be two separate chapters, but I'm going to combine them into one. They will go back and forth between Kata's and Kyo's POVs.

I went back to school on Monday. My cut was mostly healed and I didn't feel much pain from it anymore. Rafe followed me through the woods towards school, so I picked him up and carried him. I limped in and a guy stopped me. "Excuse me, your not suppose to have animals in school." he said. I broke down crying.

"I'm sorry, I know that. But, I risked my life and saved him, but I couldn't save his mom. I felt that I couldn't save her, so I took him in. I'm really sorry." I cried. I cried louder and louder. A lot of students gathered around us. What I said was actually true. Rafe's mom was buried under the rubble and I barely had time to save Rafe and I couldn't save her too.

"Don't you have a little sympathy." one girl yelled at him.

"Where's your heart? She risked her life and you treat her like this? You're horrible." another yelled at him.

"No, it's ok. I guess me and Rafe should leave now." I said. I turned to leave, but the boy grabbed my arm.

"Make sure that it doesn't bite anyone." he huffed and walked away. I smiled and thanked everyone around me. 

I walked with my class with some girls around me. They had to leave before I could make it to my class. Something was coming at me from behind, so I dodged it. A small blonde boy landed where I was. He looked back at me and tried to hug me again, but again I dodged. Rafe growled at him.

"Why are you dodging?" he pouted. Another guy came up from behind me, but I spun around and jumped back. There was a tall guy standing there. The little boy was blonde and wore a girls uniform. He was short and had brown eyes. He looked to be around eleven, but I knew he was a freshman. 

The other guy was the opposite. He was tall and wore a loose-fitted boys uniform. He had white and black hair and grayish-brown eyes. He looked to be seventeen, but I'm guessing that he's in the same grade as the kid.

"Why are you trying to hug me?" I countered.

"Because I like to hug pretty girls." the kid said, smiling. I blushed slightly. 

He came at me again, but I ran towards my classroom and chased me. I ran in and ran to the back. I could feel my cut come open. I slide behind a desk and Rafe jumped out my arm and barked at the kid. I bent down and clutched my leg. Rafe noticed and ran to me and started to lick the blood, trying to clean it. 

"Are you ok?" the blond kid asked.

"Yea, Kid, I am." I barely managed to say. My leg was starting to ache again. I stood up and picked Rafe up. "I'm going to the bathroom." 

I start limping towards the door when I heard someone mutter, "Wow, I can't believe they let girl like her in here. And she carrying around that mutt. She should be thrown out along with that stupid, ugly mutt."

I swung my bad leg up and almost connected with his face. Since I still had the bandage on, none of the blood splattered on his face or anywhere else. He started to back up, but he desk stopped him. 

Very darkly, I said, "You may talk any way about me, but don't you dare ever say anything about Rafe. Next time I wont stop. I may take it farther if you continue what your say. Do you understand?" The boy nodded quickly. 

I quickly put my leg down and limped away, blood coming out of my wound. I was so glad I like to wear shorts under my skirt or those boys would have caught an eyeful.

Kyo's POV

I watched as Kata limped out of the classroom. The boy she threatened, paled and almost passed out when she left. His friends comforted him, while the girls yelled at him. I ran out after her. 

"Kata! Wait up!" I yelled. I tripped and almost fell on her, but she moved and grabbed me by the collar before I hit the ground.

"You should watch were you're going. People could seriously get hurt." she snapped. She glanced up and pushed me against the lockers as she dodged Momiji. "You need to leave me alone. I don't do hugs, so stop it." 

She turn and started limp away, but Momiji jumped at her again. She dodged again. She grabbed the rabbit and pinned him to a locker. "Please, stop it." she snapped at him. She walked away, but Momiji just walked behind her.

"Do you want help bandaging your wound?" he asked. I ran up to them and followed her.

"I have a question." I said to Kata.

"No, I don't. And I care why?" she said.


"I could, but I don't wanna." she said, not paying much attention to me. Her sentence irritated me even more.  

Kata's POV

Kyo was getting really angry. I leaned against a locker that was close by and screamed as loud as I could. I started crying my eyes out and Kyo and the blond boy started panicking. Students rushed out. 

"Please, help me! These guys won't leave me alone!" I yelled. "They keep trying to force themselves onto me! Please, help me!"

"WHAT!? I'M NOT DOING ANYTHING!" Kyo yelled. The Kid grabbed Kyo's hand and pulled him away. Some girls ran over to me and tried to comfort me.

"I'm ok. I need to go the nurse. My cut opened up." I said. Soon girls wrapped their arms around me and helped me to the Nurse's Office. The nurse wasn't there so I cleaned and bandaged it myself. 

Before I put the bandage on, the nurse came in. She panicked when she saw it. I mentally cursed myself. She covered it and told me to go the hospital. I nodded and left the school. I went back to the forest, by the cave.

Kyo's POV

Kata didn't come back to class all day. I was mad at her for screaming like that. I went home, fuming. Shigure asked, "What's wrong, Kyo?"

"THAT GIRL!" I ran up to the roof and stayed up there all day. I watched the clouds pass by. I wanted to punch something, but I couldn't. She was a really good actor. I almost believed it myself, and I WAS THE THING SHE WAS SCREAMING ABOUT! 

I sighed. I wonder why she started acting like that? If she didn't want us bothering her, she could have said so. I shook my head. 

"I'M GOING TO FIND HER AND KILL HER!" I yelled, but knew that I wouldn't hurt her in the slightest.  

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