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I've been in school for a few weeks now. A lot of people liked "me". Well the me they knew, but not the real me. Tohru was really nice to me and Kyo got into a lot of fights with Arisa. I didn't really hang out with others often. Tohru tried to invite me a lot, but I refused a lot of time. Arisa thought Kyo heated a lot and he got mad at her.

I was walking home. Tohru, Kyo and Yuki came up to me. "Hi, Kata. What way do you go?" Tohru asked. I was about to speak up, but someone shoved me from behind and I was sent flying towards Yuki. I slipped when I tried to catch myself to prevent me from falling on him. I landed on him, but I didn't shift. I jumped off of him and bolted. I ran faster then I normally would. 

Why didn't I turn? I should have turned, but I didn't.

I kept running until I reached the cave. My pack was there, waiting for me. I smiled at them and they licked me. I giggled.

Kyo's POV

I watched as the girl ran away. Yuki didn't turn. He was still human, and not a rat. He looked surprised, and so did Tohru. "I thought only members can hug each other when their not the same gender." Tohru said.

"So, did I." Yuki said. Yuki stood up and dusted himself off. "We should hurry home and tell Shigure." We nodded and hurried home. 

When we got there, Ayame was there with Hatori. Yuki sighed as Ayame jumped and started talking his ear off.


"What is it, Kyo?" Shigure asked.

"Well, we met someone new not long ago. Today someone pushed her and she landed on Yuki, only he didn't change." I said.

"Well, are you sure that it's a girl?" Hatori asked.

"Yeah, I'm sure." I said. At least, I'm pretty sure. She looked and acted like a girl, but it could be an illusion or something.

"So am I." Yuki said. His face had a slight blush. I heard howl and Shigure raised his head.

"Well, that's odd. There is another landslide. Near a cave not far from it. A animal was hurt, but not fatally." Shigure said. He shook his head and looked at us again. "We should keep on her for while. Kyo, I want you to hug her and see if it's just a fluke or not."

"WHY ME!?" I yelled.

"Because Yuki already did it, so it's your turn. Momiji and Hatsuharu are going to do it too. Don't worry, try not to get caught." Shigure said.

"I'll tell them." Hatori said and got up. Ayame followed him out.  

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