Chapter 26- Happily Ever After

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Word count- 2425


I smile at the test in my hands.
I'm pregnant.
Woah. I'm pregnant.

I stuff the test in my pocket and walk out of the bathroom.

I wanted to do a test yesterday after Noah's birthday. But I came home and went straight to sleep.

This pregnancy better not mess with my sleep.

Today Noah is going to come to our house, to be with Damon for a day.
He should be here by now.

I walk downstairs and hear laughter in the kitchen. I walk inside, to see Violet and Damon kissing? No.

And Noah is stood in front of them, clapping his hands together.

Violet steps back, blushing, as Damon rubs the back of his neck.

"Damon?" I whisper and he whips his head towards me, standing up straight.

"Ella- its not what it looks like" I nod slowly

"I know. It's okay" I look at my hands, and then walk out of the room.

I walk towards the living room and sit down slowly.

First it will be a kiss, then they'll have to move in together, and I'll be forgotten.

I thought that maybe Damon will give me the attention I desire, but it's not like that. It was in the beginning, but now? No.

It's like I don't appear to anyone. I'm invisible again.

He has a chance to explain, but he hasn't come.

I wait and wait for him, but no. All I hear is laughter in the kitchen.

Boys don't realise how one little thing can hurt girls.

Damon never came to explain eat happened. He doesn't understand how much it hurts.
I would have forgave him if he came and explained to what happened.

Just for once I want someone to be afraid of losing me. Just once.

I need to talk to Kristen.

I get up and walk towards the door. I pick up a pair of car keys, from the table and walk out of the door, closing it behind me slowly.

I sit inside a black Mercedes, and drive towards Kristen's house.

She's got a day off today. Maybe she would be home.

I park the car outside her house and get out. I walk up the steps and ring the door bell.

"Coming!" I hear her voice.

She opens the door, wrapping her robe around her, as Austin walks down the steps.

"Gabi? Come inside"I shake my head

"It's okay. I didn't know you were busy. I'll come next time" she grabs my hand, stopping me.

"Wait. Austin was leaving anyway. Come inside" she pulls me inside.

"I was? Okay. I'll leave you guys to it" he kisses Kristen's forehead, and walk out of the house.

"Are you guys official?" She nods slowly, looking at me concerned.

"What's wrong with you though?" I pull the pregnancy test out of my pocket and show it. She gasps.

"Chat shit! Are you fucking real!" She exclaims and I nod smiling at her. She hugs me tightly, and then let's me go.

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