A Very Close Eye

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Christopher's POV

I was a little eager to get to work this morning.

I have been sleeping over at Audrey's place for the past week. It has been the best sleep I have gotten since the day Gabby came back.

My entire demeanor changed since I brought Audrey back in my life. Everyone at the office noticed the change.

I was smiling more and my face didn't look as if I was part of The Walking Dead.

I am no longer a walker but I am Mr. Mason.

I opened the door to my office and started work as usual. Today was different though, around 11:30 the one and only Gabby came walking in. I have been waiting for her all week. So she decided to come today.


"Hello darling. How are you?"

"I am feeling better than ever."

"You are?" She asked confused.

"Yeah. I am. I want to talk to her. I'm ready."

The plan is on.

"Finally" She sounded relieved. "I am so tired of coming around this stupid office. How long has it been, 2 months?"

"Yeah. Tell her I want to meet her at this address at 8:00 tonight." I wrote down the address on the paper and handed it to her.

She put the paper in her breasts and smiled at me. "See you soon darling." She tried to lean in and give me a kiss but I moved before she could.

"Get out."

"Whatever. I'll see you soon." She blew me a kiss and walked out.

The address I gave her was the location of the new strip club.

The only thing is I know Gabby is stupid enough to fall for it but I am not sure if the pimptress herself is so gullible. We shall find out.

Audrey's POV

Christopher has been sleeping over for the past week and I love it. Just the feeling of him being there is a good one.

It also gives us time to think of what to do with the pimptress herself.

Today is the day though. Tonight Christopher is going to meet her at the club he bought for her. He texted me that Gabby came over today. So the plan is on.

When he gets there, I told him to say something like, "I bought this for you so you can make twice the money I give you." So it's a win-win really. She gets money and he gets rid of her forever. But she thinks we aren't setting her up.

We still haven't called authorities because we need to make sure she is as comfortable as she can be without any suspicions.

It was getting close to five and Christopher was on his way here. He always comes here after work. I'm not sure if it's because of me or he doesn't feel safe about being in his own home.

There was no rehearsals today so I was pretty much just cleaning and getting what needed to be done, done.

I heard a car role up in front of the house and seen it was Christopher.

He walked up the sidewalk with a huge smile on his face. He opened the door and grabbed me and picked me up for a kiss.

"Hello beautiful."

"Hey handsome." I replied back.

"How was your day?" He said still holding me.

"Relaxing but I think you had an even better day than me."

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