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The first bus full of civilians arrived at around 10:45 the next morning with Shane in the driver's seat.

Obviously, the group was still weary as to welcoming complete strangers into their home so they stood on guard for anything that could possibly happen. Ali and Rick stood to the front, weapons hidden from view but only a second away.

When the first people started to unload from the bus, the group began to usher them inside for a quick check. Each person would then be given a job depending on their age and if they were fit to work. Rooms would then also be distributed equally.

As Ali was helping an elderly woman off the bus, she felt a tug at the hem of her shirt. Immediately, her eyes glanced down to see a little boy (around the age of 6) looking up at her with watery green eyes.

"Hey." Ali softly smiled, kneeling down so she could make eye contact with the boy. "Where's your parents?"

The little boy looked to the ground as a few tears fell from his eyes. "They left to visit the angels."

Immediately, Ali's heart shattered into a thousand pieces. Pulling him into a big hug, she frowned. "Is there anybody here with you?"

"No." The small brunette whispered as Ali pulled him back. "I was put on the bus by that man."

Ali followed his gaze to see Shane. Seeing them both looking at him, the older smiled and politely waved.

"Well, we are going to look after you, okay?" The boy nodded his head as he wiped the tears from his eyes. "Everybody here is really nice and we'll make sure you're okay."

Ali hesitated slightly before adding - "And we can be your best friends. Only if you want us to, of course!"

The boy's eyes lit up as a shocked expression took over his features. "Really?"

Ali nodded her head. Without warning, he wrapped his arms around her shoulders, pulling her into a hug. "Thank you."

"It's no problem. Now what's your name?"

"I'm Harry."

"Nice to meet you, Harry, I'm Ali! Now, I need to do some work and help all of the other people like you so, do you want to stay with me or would you like to go and stay with my son, Carl?"

Harry thought for a moment before shyly running a hand through his mop of brown curls. "C-Could I stay with you please?"

Ali smiled and stood up, taking one of Harry's hands in hers. "Come on!"

The rest of the day passed by in a blur. By the time evening rolled round, everyone was exhausted and retiring to their rooms for an early night.

Just as Ali kissed Rick goodnight and began to walk to her cell, Selena caught her wrist making her stop. "Shane made me come and get you. There's a girl here claiming to be your cousin."

Ali nodded her head, slightly confused, but proceeded to follow Selena anyway. She took the blonde to the very front of the prison where Shane stood with his arms crossed and a girl sat with a smirk on her face.

As soon as Ali lay eyes upon the red-headed girl, a smile took over her face. "Ivy? Damn! I thought the walkers had taken everyone."

Ivy chuckled as she pulled her cousin in for a loose hug. "Not me! I was making my way to the nearest airport for supplies when I stumbled upon this place. I'm glad I did."

"So am I." Ali smiled. "So...are you planning on staying or are you gonna carry on to the airport?"

"I'll stay here, if you'll have me?"

"Of course! Now come on...I bet Carl, Rick and Judith will be glad to see you. And there's a hell of a lot we need to update you on."

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