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The pair walked into the main room to see everyone grabbing bowls of food. Ali automatically made her way to Maggie to take Judith. The little girl just sleepily lay her head against her mother's shoulder which made the blonde smile.

"Here!" Rick smiled, handing Ali a bowl of food as they made their way over to an empty table. "I just grabbed you some fruit because I thought you would be sick of the usual."

"Thanks." Ali returned the warm smile as they both sat down. "Is everything ready for tomorrow?"

Rick sighed and ran a hand through his hair. Ali just weakly smiled as she adjusted Judith to rest more comfortably on her hip. "Yeah. Everything's ready. We've hidden guns everywhere and we've made sure everyone knows what to do."

Ali nodded her head before turning to eat her food. Suddenly, a grin took over her features. "Carl told me he's been busy."

Rick laughed. "Yeah...But did he tell you what happened afterwards?"

Ali shook her head. 

"They accidentally head-butted each other."

The couple erupted into laughter which made everyone turn to look at them. However, they didn't stop. 

"Oh my gosh." Ali breathed, placing a hand over her mouth to try and stifle her laughter.

"I know." Rick muttered, shaking his head. 

Ali smirked, "He totally gets it from you."

Rick faked a shocked expression as he lent on the table. "What's that supposed to mean?"

Ali shrugged. "Can you not remember your hands shaking? The nervous stuttering? Your face turning bright red when you said something stupid? You-"

"Okay, okay!" Rick interrupted, his cheeks tinting a bright red. His gaze turned to Judith as he raised an eyebrow. "Can you hear this? Mum's picking on your dad. Isn't she mean?"

Judith turned to look at Ali and frowned which made Rick begin to laugh. "Someone's not happy with you." 

He took the little girl from Ali. The blonde watched as she latched herself onto her father whilst still frowning at her. 

"Hey!" Ali gasped, crossing her arms over her chest. "I guess I'll just leave then since I'm the 'bully'." 

Ali stood up and began walking away from the table, a smile playing on her lips. Suddenly, a loud thud echoed through the room before crying followed. She immediately spun round to see Judith clutching her head and Rick scooping her up.

"What happened?" Ali gasped, racing back over.

"She went to follow you but she tripped and hit her head." Rick explained, panic swimming in his eyes as his daughter continued to cry.

"Oh come here." Ali cooed, taking her into her arms. "I'm here now. Everything's okay."

"Is she okay?" Carl questioned, appearing by their side as everyone else in the room returned to their previous conversations since the girl was fine in the embrace of her parents. 

"Yeah!" Ali smiled. "We're gonna head to bed, okay?"

Carl just nodded his head as he watched Ali walk off with Judith. He watched as Rick turned to everyone else, automatically grabbing their attention.

"When they come for us, we'll end it, the whole thing. This won't be like before. We're putting everything in place and these people know what to do now. The world's ours, and we know how to take it. Everything we need is right in here inside these walls. We're not losing any of it again. I'm not."

He took the opportunity to take a final look over the group, the people he had come to respect and love. The people who had grown to be his family. From Hershel to Selena, Belle to Glenn. In this moment, he knew that they would either live or die together. As a family.

Rick turned on his heel and walked to his cell.

The Governor's warning only hours away.

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