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"I have an idea." Rick announced, drawing everyone's attention. "Why don't we let some of the people from Woodbury come and live with us?"

Immediately, there was voices of both agreement and disagreement; everyone having their own reasons. However, Ali just stayed quiet in the middle of it all. She watched as Rick tried to calm everyone down but failed. Deciding to give him a hand, she stood up and covered her daughter's ears. Taking a deep breath she began to yell - "Be quiet! Let's listen to what he has to say."

At that, everyone was quiet as Ali sat back down and sent Rick a smile.

"Thank you." He sighed. "I know why some of you may disagree but just...If we let them live here, there will be more people to help out. More people to grow food, more people to do repairs, more people with more skills. When Andrea came, she told us that they have medicines and supplies which we're running out of here. I can guarantee you, if we carry on as we are, we only have enough supplies for the next month at best before we'll have to move."

"It's not like we don't have the room." Shane commented. His arms were crossed over his chest as he leant against one of the side walls. "And you took me back in. Why not more people?"

Hershel moved forward and nodded his head in agreement. "I could use some more medicine. We don't have enough if there's another attack or if someone gets injured."

Rick's smile began to grow slightly as more and more of the group began to agree to the idea. Soon a plan was formed on how they would get people to the prison without the remaining guards finding out.

"It'll take place in two days time." Rick confirmed.

With that, everyone began to file out and head to do whatever they had originally planned before the meeting. However, Ali grabbed Shane by the arm and pulled him along with her. They reached a spare cell and Ali pulled him in.

As she shut the door, Shane took Judith from her grip and softly placed her on the bed as she continued to play with her small doll. He turned back to see Ali with her hands on either hip and a frown on her face.

"I know you're mad about what I said but you have to see it from my point of view-" Shane began but Ali cut him off.

"No, Shane. You have to see it from my point of view. For the last few month, I didn't have a clue where you were. I've been kidnapped by the Governor twice along with one of my best friends and my son. I had to watch as they suffered along with myself. I nearly died Shane. And where were you? Oh that's right! Working along side the psychopath. And to top it all off, I find out my boyfriend 'supposedly' killed you and then a few days later I see you again and you point a gun at my family. So I'm sorry for not jumping to take the offer."

There was silence after her outburst. Shane stood taken aback as well as the blonde in front of him. He watched as she ran a hand through her hair, messing it up slightly in the process. He took a deep breath and calmly replied.

"I'm sorry." Ali scoffed but he ignored her and carried on. "I'm sorry for not being there. I'm sorry for not protecting you. I'm sorry for trying to kill Rick. I'm sorry for trying to kill your family. I'm sorry for being messed up. I'm sorry for being the worst brother in the history of brother's...I was just trying to make it up to you, offering you a break. I thought it was the right thing but I see now it's not. I'm just sorry, okay?"

Sighing, Ali nodded her head as he pulled her into a hug. "Just use your brain next time." She chuckled.



[ This was just kind of a filler chapter ]

I hope you're all enjoying this book and I am so grateful to every single one of you for getting 'Alone' to nearly 1.5K!!!

So...Because of that, I'm giving you the opportunity to play a part in this book. Yes!


What you need to comment to have a character made :

[now closed]

I hope to see some new characters ;)

Edited 16th August 2016

Deadline for entering your characters is 4th September 2016!

Please make sure all characters are entered by then or they will not be used.

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