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As the day began to draw to a close (with the sun being replaced by the moon), both women agreed that it was time to head back to the prison which meant an end to their adventure out into the surrounding areas.

Even though they were constantly on high alert and, more than once, had to sprint for their lives from walkers, both women had thoroughly enjoyed the time outside of the prison. 

Throughout the day, they had stumbled upon abandoned houses and stores which they made sure to check every time. Mostly, they contained forgotten photographs, damaged furniture and the occasional dead body. However, there was a select few which still contained tins of food and clean clothing. Ali and Selena made sure to take everything they could which meant they were currently lugging two bags filled to the brim with supplies.

"If we run into the Governor and his men, I'm asking for a lift home." Ali thought out loud as she pulled the duffle bag higher up her shoulder to make sure it didn't fall. 

Selena breathed out a laugh, shaking her head. "I think they'd shoot you on sight."

With her being in front of Ali, she couldn't see her face but knew for a fact she was sporting a grin as she said her next words. "Good! It'll put me out of my suffering from carrying this damn bag."

Silence soon fell over the pair as they continued to trudge along (stealth being a long forgotten skill because of the amount of effort it took). Even though, they were both tired and their arms were threatening to drop off at the weight they were carrying, both women didn't complain again as they knew they weren't far from home.

And they were right.

Only thirty minutes later, Selena saw the warm, orange glow of the lights from within the prison and as they drew closer, they could begin to hear the soft voices of the group who were sitting around a fire in the courtyard, staying warm. 

The first one to notice them arriving was Glenn. Immediately, he pointed towards the gate and smiled. "They're back!"

The group followed his gaze and began to let out comments of relief. 

"Hey guys." Ali grinned, dropping the bag she was carrying to the floor. Rolling her shoulders to try and release the tension which had built up, she moved to take a seat besides Rick as Glenn emptied the contents of the bag.

"Where have you been?" Rick questioned, watching what Glenn was taking from the bags as Daryl began to do the same to bag Selena had been carrying.

"Everywhere. " Ali laughed as she moved over so Selena could sit besides her.

"Where the hell is all of this stuff from?"

Ali shrugged. "Every building we came across, we looked inside to see if we could find anything. This," she gestured to the bags. "is just what we got along the way. Bits and pieces from here and there."

Rick shook his head. "We should send you both out more often."

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