Chapter 9

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Violet's P.O.V

The clans had all arrived without delay. As i stood facing the other clan leaders all i could think was how am I going  to tell them that one of us is a traitor and is in on our plans. I moved around the outside of the room, gazing outside the windows watching some of the hunters patrolling the grounds in small groups. I felt caged in this room, with so many eyes watching me

"You're right" Kane said finally as he looked up from the maps.

"Someone has tampered with this map. None of this area should be marked, this sector here has'nt even been touched yet"

"The only people who are allowed in  this room are the clan leaders, James, Mason, Jake and Myself" I said finally, the whole room turned toward me, their eyes staring intently as if i knew the answers to he problems that lie ahead.

"Forgive me your highness, but im afraid that if this map has been altered then you are wrong" Peter said quietly. the silence in the room was deafening.

"So what do we do?" James, of course broke the silence. His voice sounding too loud for the room.

"Ill tell you what we'll do. We are going to take a group and find out why this area has been marked off and what is being kept there"

The final arrangements were put in place, a group of ten hunters, the bounty hunters, myself and James had been selected to investigate. After the arrangements were set in place everyone began to leave.

"Hold on a second" Everyone stopped and turned to face me.

"I've been thinking and with our numbers are spread thin by us being in separate areas of the country. I think that the leaders and their clans should stay here for now.

"That can't happen. There is no where near enough room for everyone to fit" James looked shocked, he spoke quickly as if he was scared of having so many people in the mansion.

"There's what, at least 50 hunters per clan and there's 10 clans so that's 500 people in one mansion. this place is big but it's not that big, It won't happen" Jake chimed in, backing up James.

"Im sorry Violet but they're both right, we won't all fit"  Amber said.

"I don't mean everyone, the clans have sister clans. Like the Blue moons and the Silverlights, Sunbeam and Starshots, My clan BlackRoses and the Shadows, Nightinggale and Darkhearts and the Mockingjays and the Serpents. So if we join the sister clans together we'll have a hundred people in one  base and i know for a fact that we can fit a hundred people in one base. So if we take ten hunters from every clan to stay here, including the Leaders we'll be better guarded and have more defence on the Mansion and on the other hunters"

"She's got a point, it would be a lot safer to have that many people in one heavily guarded base" Meghan said to the others.

"So tonight, everyone goes home. Pick ten hunters from each clan to come with you to stay here until this problem is sorted out and send the rest of the hunters to their sister clans and elect a leader in your place for them" Everyone nodded at this idea and left quickly to make preparations.

"Violet, we still are going to have difficulties fitting a hundred people in this mansion, i mean we have 50 rooms but still." i turned to face him.

"Well that means we can have three people per room. We can make this work and i know my clan sticks around here but we still need to have more of a defence or if an attack comes were going to be slaughtered"

"Don't say that vi, we could get through an attack. We've done it before" I whipped around to face James.

"Yes and my best friend died and for the next day everyone though i had died too when we were hit by that attack. So yes, we do need the extra defence because you lot didn't do a great job last time" James stared at me, i could see the anger in his eyes but i refused to say sorry. Then it hit me.

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