Chapter 31

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After not sleeping on the plane, having the scare of my lost luggage, and having to go though the hassle of getting a rental car after all of that, needless to say I haven't had a very good start in this new place. I just wanted to be back at home with my mom and friends. I usually wasn't one to judge things quickly just by first impressions, but I couldn't help it with this type of scenario.

I slammed the door to my rental car, not intentionally, it was an accidental action from my bad mood. I threw my bag over my shoulder and walked to the back of the car, struggling to open the trunk. Eventually, I had realized that there was actually no button to open it and I had to use the key.

"Hey!" A voice called from the distance behind me. I ignored it and fiddled for the key on the key ring and unlocked the trunk, watching it lift open. I turned around at the sound my shoes against the pavement and saw a boy jogging towards me.

His hair was the first thing I noticed out of all things. It was nearly black and was pushed back and out of his face, it contrasted well with his pale skin. He came closer and stepped onto my driveway and right in front of me. He was the slightest bit taller than me, or maybe it was just his hair that gave him the extra inch.

"Hi." He breathed out, flashing a smile, He had one of those smiles that looked liked the ones framed at the dentist. Or used as a toothpaste ad. I looked at him with a confused stare, but still gave him a small smile.

"Um, hi." I spoke, eyeing him up and down once. His thin white t-shirt and ripped blue jeans gave off the image that he was normal and wasn't here to kidnap me, that this was actually just a genuine greeting.

"Cassius." He stuck out his hand, still holding his smile as I held my same expression. "But you can call me Cas." I reluctantly took his hand and let my attitude change.

"I'm Maddie." I slowly said, being somewhat captivated by his light brown eyes. He had freckles spread across his nose and over his cheeks. There was no hesitance in saying he was good looking, anyone would believe that.

"So you're the new neighbor I see?" He glanced over my head nodding towards my new house as he shoved his hands in his pocket. I turned around, getting a look of the house myself.

"Yeah. I just got in from the airport actually, long flight." I stated, feeling almost intimidated by him. I had always been nervous about meeting new people, it was probably just because he looked like he walked out of a Hollister magazine which was slightly embarrassing considering I was in a slouchy hoodie and jeans with little to no makeup on.

"I'll take your bags then." He said cheerfully, reaching for my suitcases in the back.

"No it's fine." I stopped him briefly as he half smiled at me, tugging the two rolling bags behind him. I let him get ahead of me before I began walking towards him, finally meeting him once we got to the front door so I could unlock it.

I wasn't the one to let strangers into my house after knowing them for approximately 5 minutes, but he had been a helping hand so I figured, why not?

It was my first time actually in the house, since I'd only seen online pictures. It was just built along with most of this small neighborhood, which I learned that Cas had moved into about a month ago after moving out with his parents. He lived right across the street.

He dragged the suitcases along the hardwood floors, similar to the ones in my old home. He left them next to the couch that my mom had bought and shipped to my house, which I was confused as to why she let the men delivering the furniture waltz into our house and leave it there.

"You've got such a cute home." He helped himself and walked into the few rooms downstairs, one of them being mine. The walls were a crisp and clean white, definitely something I was going to change once my mom came.

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