Chapter 3

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As I head over to the stables, I use my ring to ask Percy if he wants to come.

"Sure. Be right there." he says.

Here's how the ring works: I spin the fish until a menu pops up. I toggle through my 3 contacts until I find the one I'm looking for. I tap that contact and an Iris message pops up. I have Drachnmas installed, kinda like minutes.

A second later, I'm overwhelmed with whinnies of appreciation.

'She has returned!'

'Yay! Victoria's back!'

'Bout time!'

"Guys, guys, calm down! It was only a week!" I tell all the pegasi.

And then there's a voice I'd recognize anywhere. 'There's my girl!'

"Blackjack! How ya been?" I ask the jet black pegasus.

'Just fine, thanks to Alcina. I kept her company while you were gone.'

"Oh no. Why do I have a bad feeling about this?"

"Because you know him too well." says Percy, coming up behind me.

'Hey Boss! How's Wise Girl doing?'

"What's up, Blackjack? Annabeth says hi." Percy greets.

Suddenly I'm 10 feet in the air and before I can get a confused look on my face, I'm on the back of a pegasus with the sound of wings beating in my ears.

"Alcina! I missed you!" I tell the big mass of flying horse I'm now hugging. "How was Blackjack?"

'Terrible. It was all I could do not to kick him.' she replies.

But Blackjack just laughs. 'You know you want me.'

'Like the plague.' she retorts.

"Lighten up, Alcina. He's probably the most stallion like plague you'll ever come across." Percy laughs, mounting said stallion like plague and rising with us.

"So what's the battle strategy?" I ask.

"It's the best one yet. Annabeth thought of it." Percy says, his face lighting up when he mentions Annabeth.

As he explains it to me I realize it really IS genius. I smile and thank the gods Annabeth's on our side.

When he's finished I take a deep breath and blurt out "I need to tell you something Percy."

"What is it?" he asks, serious now.

And then I tell him everything. When I'm finished I see him thinking all this through. "Do you want to?" he asks.

"I suppose so." I reply.

"Well, then everything's good, right?"

"I guess it is. I mean they're both nice guys. I just hope it doesn't get awkward."

"Victoria, come on, really? They're too close to let this come between them."

"I know. Just a little weird, I guess."

"How about this? If it gets too weird, tell them you quit and don't date either one?" he suggests.

"Hmmm. That could work." I say.

"Of course it can. Now, don't you have some healing to do?" he reminds me.

"Oh, right. I forgot. I think Triton's cake screwed with my head. Thanks, Seaweed Brain." I call as I descend.

"That's what I'm here for. Ideas, saving the world, and brotherly advice." he laughs.

'True that.' I think. 'True that.'

My Life as One of the Most Powerful Demigods Ever. (A Percy Jackson Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now