the most irrelevant person

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My father is was so much more caring than I imagined him.

I had only known him for 7 days but he's just so great. I never wanted to go back to my "parents" in Surrey. I wanted to stay here with Sirius. I didn't even want to go back to Hogwarts tomorrow. I was happy here with real family who loved me.
"Lux." I turned around and saw my dad walking in with a picture frame.
"You look just like your mother." He said smiling. He handed me a picture and it was him, my mom and me as a baby. In the time I was here, he told me so much about my mom and how she was the most talented witch he had ever seen . Not to mention my mom was very beautiful. They looked so happy.
"I've missed you." He said.
"And now that I'm here why don't you tell me..... Is there a boy you're interested in?"
I felt my eyes almost pop out of my school while looking him.
"Not really..." The room suddenly got really hot. This was so sudden!
"Tell me!! You won't get in trouble I'm just curious!" I hadn't thought of Draco for the whole break and it felt like the levees broke. My nails turned dark blue and my dad didn't miss a beat.
"Uh oh. Who hurt you." I hesitated on telling him. But I didn't like secrets and I wasn't going to keep one from my dad.
"Draco Malfoy. It was a little thing. Not much to worry about." Sirius almost had a heart attack hearing me say those words.
"DRACO MALFOY?! LUCIOUS MALFOY'S BOY?! They're THOSE type of Slytherins!" He was getting pretty worked up.
"Don't worry dad I don't even talk him anymore... It's over." He looked at me suspiciously.
"Well ok. I trust you. But if he hurts you.."
"He won't." I reassure.
"Good." He kissed my forehead and I went to bed.

My dad followed us to the station as Padfoot. He talked to Harry and I and told us to look out for eachother. And we were off. I fell asleep the whole ride to Hogwarts. I was awakened by Hermione shaking me.
"Lux!!! Wake up!"

"Gimme fivemuhminnnjshsnshs..."


"WHAT!" I jump up.

"We're here."

"You could have been less hostile about it." I rubbed my eyes and we got on the carriage. Once we got to the castle I heard someone scream my name. I turned around and it's the one and only.
"Mason!!!!" He picked me up and he twirled me around.
"I've missed you sosososososososososososososo much."
"I've missed you too."
We heard an ugly laugh followed by a shrill voice and we both knew who it was.
"Oi look at Lithium and her little Ravenclaw boyfriend"
"I swear to god, Pansy don't you ever get tired of saying the most irrelevant things and being the most irrelevant person?"
I guessed she didn't know what to say because she got flustered and left. But not without making it obvious that she was holding hands with Draco. He only looked at me then looked away and It felt like he just punched me in the chest.
"Are the feelings coming back?" Mason asked. And I couldn't even lie to him.
"I don't think they ever left."

ITS REALLY SHORT. And really shitty but what do you expect from a girl who's been on hiatus for like 5 months.

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