drills and scrimmage

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"Lux wake up! Wake up it's nearly 1:30 pm! We have to go!  Wake up!" I heard Hermione yelling at me faintly.
"Fivemoreminutes" I managed to say.
"No! Now!" She ripped off my blankets and pulled me off the bed. Before I knew  it I'm already outside the castle walking besides Harry, Hermione and Ron. When we got to Hog's Head  we're supposed to meet "a few" people  it gots really awkward for me
because it ended up being around 25 people. I don't like or know anyone from the other houses only Luna really. and Draco I guess...
"Isn't that the girl who got Angelina kicked off the quiditch team?" I heard someone whisper. I felt my hair change colour but I was wearing a hat anyway. We sat down and it was awkwardly silent for a minute or two until Hermione spoke up. 

"Uhm, hi, you all know why we're here. We need a teacher. A proper teacher. One who's had real experience defending themselves against the Dark Arts."
"Why?" Zachariahs Smith asked. I was in a bad mood and it set me off.
"Why? Because You-Know-Who's back you tosspot."
"Lux be nice." Hermione whispers too me.
I crossed my arms and put my head down since I wasn't really going to listen. I started falling asleep until Hermione shook me. "Huh? what? Oh sorry." I sat up straight. "She doesn't even take this seriously.." I heard someone say in the back. That was it. I was done with people talking about me.
"Look. You don't know me and I don't know you. But don't say that I don't take this seriously cause I do. And I'm sure as hell that I'm more prepared for this than you. You all are so afraid that you can't even say Voldemort's name. Stop worrying if I'm sleeping, slacking, fooling around, or whatever it is I'm doing. Stop talking shit about me and worry about this. Because this, Dumbledore's Army, is what's important. So are you going to join or what?" It's quiet for a while and I turned around and the piece of parchment. After I sat back down people started to get up and walk towards the table.
"That's a great name for this, Lux. Dumbledore's Army." Luna said as she comes up.
"Thanks, Luna." After everything we stayed for a while and Hermione pulled me up from the chair that I had been sitting on.
"There are some people I want you to meet." She pulled me over to some Ravenclaws and introduced me. "Hello" they said, waving. "Hi" I said, kind of uncomfortable.
"I think you were really brave and honest about what you said up there, Lux." Some Ravenclaw boy said.
"Thanks I was just sick of it. I should be used to it but sticking up for myself feels good. Wait how do you know my name?"
"I saw it when I went to go sign my name. My name is Mason." he said, sticking out his hand.
"Nice to meet you, Mason." I shook his hand and it was actually really soft. We talked for a while and I didn't notice we had been talking for so long until Hermione told me it was time for us to go.
"Uh I'll see you around." I said kind of embarrassed that we talked for like an hour.
"Yeah maybe you can let me listen to that Muggle music your so interested in." He said "Sure. Why not."
Once we were walking back Hermione would not stop talking about how that kid and I liked each other.
"Hermione I just met this kid all I know about him is basically his first name. I don't like him." On the way to the tower we pass by some Slytherins. Draco was holding hands with Pansy Parkinson. Of course. What did I expect?ñWhat are you staring at? Are you jealous that I'm with Draco, Lithium?" I realized after she said that that I was staring.
"Me jealous? In his dreams." Its almost as if I saw the life die out from Draco's eyes as I walked past him but I just kept walking. I felt really bad.. like I had been punched but in the back of my head I knew this would happen.

The next morning I woke up and no one was around. I looked at the clock. 1pm. Great. I'm late for quidditch once again.. I put on my uniform and I got there. "Sorry I woke up late." "It's alright, Lux." "So I just wanted to call this meeting because we have a game on Tuesday and Lux is new so we have to get her prepared" Oh great he called this practice because of me.

We played for 2 hours running drills and scrimmage.
"Good job, Lux." I heard a few people say. Quidditch was actually kind of fun.
We were all going over the game plan for the next game when we heard the Slytherins. "With Johnson gone and Weasley being Keeper we might just win! Unless Lithium is any good. I doubt it." Draco says. I was so confused as to why he was acting this way. Was I that much of an embarrassment?
"Says the boy who has never caught the snitch against Harry." I spoke up.
"Ooooooooooh" I hear the Gryffindor's say. "Stay out of this, Mudblood." He spat at me. "I'd like to see you come down here and make me." He came down from the bleachers. And just looked at me.
"Are you just getting upset because I didn't accept your little confession?" His eyes grew wide and I heard everyone get confused
. "Draco what is she talking about???" I heard Pansy say.
"If you didn't accept then what did those kisses mean?" I almost threw up because I didn't want to fight him in public.
"It meant I was just playing with you. I thought you would figure that out."
"Lux we should go." George said, pulling my sleeve. The team and I start walking away
"Or how about the time you cried in my arms over the Weasley boy?? You're nothing but a mudblood who fall for any pureblood who comes her way." I heard Draco shout.
I walked back to him and before I knew it the Gryffindor team was holding me back, I had drawn my wand and Draco was knocked out on the ground.
I didn't remember how anything went down and I never meant to hurt him. But one thing was certain. I was done with Draco Malfoy.

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