cleaning up the hut

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I looked at the clock at the 7:25. I knew I shouldn't have taken a nap after classes. I thought about it but there was really no reason to get dolled up. So I grabbed my sweater and head room of requirement.
"It's about time." Draco said not even looking over. He looked so...... good. He had unbuttoned the first 2 buttons from his shirt and was loosely wearing his tie.
"I took a nap, sorry"
"dreaming about me, were you?" he said finally looking up. I rolled my eyes at him then looked at the pile of stuff I hadn't organized yet. I began to start picking out the silver things when Draco came over to me and pulled me away. He pulled out his wand and with a wave of it, everything moved out the way, organized and cleaned itself. "You couldn't have taught me that before I cleaned for 2 hours with my hands last time?" I said, pushing him.
"I came late that day remember? Anyways, I just wanted to talk to you today." He said sitting on a couch that appeared conveniently.
"Talk? About what?" I said. I felt awkward. What was there to talk about?
"I don't know... You? Me? Us?"
I sat next to him but kept quiet. I'm not good with making conversation.
"Well, did anything interesting happen this week?" He said taking a bite out of his apple.
"Uh, I got on the Quidditch team.." I said, looking at my shoes.
"What???" He practically screamedout.
"Um Quidditch. The sport that everyone's obsessed with? You know three hoops, 7 pla--" "Ieah I know what Quidditch is I mean you're on the Gryffindor team??" He stared at me in shock. I looked at him for a while.
"Noooooo I'm on the Ravenclaw team... Of course on the Gryffindor team. I mean I don't really want to but McGonagall is forcing me to play."
"Why?? And what position are you?" He was getting really on edge and It was starting to worry me. "Draco, why are you so pressed? I got into a fight with Angelina and stuff happened and she got kicked off and I had to take her place. I'm a Chaser."
"Well thank God you didn't replace Potter as a Seeker. Even though I do hate him." He said finally sitting back.
"Well because I'm Slytherin's seeker." He said pretty smug.
"Really? Hm. Well we're going to crush you guys." I said sticking my tongue at him.
"Oh please." I heard him mutter.
"What about you, Draco? How was your week?" I said, putting my legs up on the couch. "Me?"
"No the other Draco."
He laughed and then thought about it for a moment. "Hmm. It was fine. Just Quidditch practice.. and waiting to see you alone all week. He said grabbing my hand. I could feel my cheeks get warm and my nails turned pink. Draco opened his mouth to say something then closed it.
"What? What were you going to say?" I asked, shifting my body to face him.
"I was just wondering.... How do you do that?" "How do I do what?"
"Make me feel like I'm the only person in the world... how do you make me feel like there's butterflies in my stomach. How do you make me feel like I only belong here. With you." His grey eyes were glistening.
"I don't know. Why do you let me make you feel that way?" I was nervous but I wanted to get closer to him.
"I don't know." He said. He leaned in and so did I making the space in between us very small.
"The world is full of mysteries, Draco." I kissed him. It was sweet. Simple. I broke the kiss before it got heated. I admitted. He was very attractive and I wanted more.
"Are you doing anything tomorrow?" I was about to say no when I remembered Hagrid. "Yeah I have to go see Professor Hagrid." "What is that oaf making you go see him for?" I stood up in disbelief .
"Don't say ANYTHING against Hagrid." I said almost raising my wand.
"Lux I'm sorry I didn't know he meant so much to you I--"
"Save it. Hagrid is a great man. You shouldn't have said anything in the first place. And to think I was having a good time with you. Goodbye, Draco." I left the room of requirement and walked in annoyance to Gryffindor Tower. Why did I like him? He obviously didn't want to change and he was still mean. It put me off.
I got to the Common Room and said hi to the people in there then head for the girls dorm. "Oh Lux! You have to come tomorrow to a meeting we're going to have about that Defense Against the Dark Arts club thing." "Tomorrow??? I can't tomorrow!"
"Because I have to go see---" I stop before I say Hagrid. She didn't know that I was that close to him and maybe he didn't want people to know.
"Who do you have to go see?"
"Nobody. It's Fine. I'll go tomorrow." I guessed I'll sneak out in a few hours to see Hagrid. "Yes!" Hermione squealed.

I woke up and looked at my watch 11:15pm and figured Hagrid was still awake. I looked around and everyone was dead asleep. I snuck out the castle and ran to Hagrid's hut. I knocked on the door as hard as I could. "Who the devil--" Hagrid opened the door and I gave him a huge hug.
"Oh! If it isnt my favorite child! I was wondering when you were coming to see me! Come in!"
"Hagrid I've missed you so much where did yo--- Hagrid what happened to you?!" I saw Hagrid's face was covered in bruises.
"Top secret ok? Dumbledore sent me to parley with the giants." He said, handing me a mug of what I hoped didn't come out of any creature. "He sent you to party with the giants? What kinda parties are they throwing?" Hagrid laughed at me.
"Parley. Not party. I was sent to go make them join our side. But I wasn't the only one trying to win them over."
"Death Eaters."
"Mmhmm well I'm back now. Blimey this place is a mess." He looked around and made a face that seemed like he just smelled something bad.
"Oh!" I picked up a broom. "That's why I'm here to help!"
"Oh no Lux don't do it yourself I can do it." "Nonsense. You're hurt. And if you can't use magic then neither can I around here. Besides I'm used to doing work. I was raised by muggles." I spent about 2 hours cleaning up the hut, playing with Fang, and talking with Hagrid I was so so happy and so was he.
"Come here, you."
I smiled up at him. then I realised the time.
"I should be going Hagrid it's 1am!"
"Oh oh right! Here before you go. I wasn't here for your birthday. So happy late birthday!" And he handed me a box. I opened it and it was a bracelet made out of a tree twig with changing flowers blooming from it. "Its not much. The flower has different stages. It changes to a different stage on the persons mood. I chose it out myself. I hope you like it."

"It's brilliant." It was really beautiful. I hugged him one more time before finally picking up my stuff to leave.
"Well I should really get going. Bye Hagrid!" "Bye Lux!" I left and got successfully back into the dorm. I was really happy Hagrid was back. And I laid down on my bed and fell asleep.

* ok so I went back and changed who Lux's dad was. It's going to be Sirius. I thought that it would be more dramatic. And the song in this one is When You Can't Sleep At Night by Of Mice & Men. Thanks for reading~

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