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I felt two arms drag me away from the sight. I felt tears stinging the back of my eyes and the two arms pulled me into a big hug. "Shhhh it's ok. He's not worth it." I took in the scent of the person's clothes and I knew instantly who it was. It was Draco. He took me outside the Great hall. My hair turned a dark blue and my nails turned black. And I just cried. We didn't talk or anything, we just sat on the steps and he rubbed my back and kept saying "It's okay, you're okay." His arms were around me and I felt safe. I was hurt. But why? George and I weren't dating. He wasn't mine. But why did I feel like this? I didn't say anything to Draco though.
Once lunch was over, Draco lifted me up and let out a big sigh. He looked at me for a while then put a strand of my hair behind my ear. All I could do was stare at him. His beautiful grey seemed lit and full of life compared to how I felt. He bent down and gave me a small kiss on the cheek. I didn't want him to go. "I have to go. But hopefully I'll see you later, love." He slowly turned around and walked away. I wanted to cry out and tell him not to leave but as I told him before.. we weren't supposed to be together.
After lunch we carried on to our last 2 classes and I had George in both of them. I sat across to him in one of them. Which was the last one. "Oi Lux, could you pass me that book please?" I didn't even want to touch it if he was. I took out my wand and pointed, "Wingardium Leviosa." I passed it to him without looking at him. "Uh thanks... Is something wrong?" My hair turned black and I sighed "No." I kept my eyes on the pages of the book and he reached out to touch my hand but i moved it away quickly. "Don't touch me. And I'm not going to your Quidditch practice. I have things to do." I said
"Really? Well alright I guess." I was disappointed to hear him let me go that quickly. But what else would I expect from him.
Class was dismissed. I walked up to Gryffindor tower where I'm followed by George and Angelina. I turn around quickly and see them holding hands. Fight or Flight instincts were kicking in and I tried my best not to run away. Then I heard running coming down the hall. "Lux! Lux! Umbridge wants us now. She says she has something to do later." It was Harry. "Ok then um can you accompany me up to the tower so I can put my stuff down? And change? Since you're already done."
"Of course." I smiled at him.
I had already forgotten of my bad mood

After I was done changing, I met harry in the Common Room. Where George, Fred, Angelina and Ron are. "Where are you guys going?" George says with one eye brow raised. "Detention. With Umbridge." Harry says quickly. Then he looks at me. "Let's go."

Once we get there, Umbridge had us sit down. Her office was floral and mostly pink. I tried not to throw up. Harry looked at me with a sorry look in his eyes. He'd been here before. This can't be good. She handed me a piece of parchment and a quill. "Write, "I must not be late." She says "How many times?" She looks at me with a devilish smile that didn't suit her toad face. "Until you've learned your lesson."
"I haven't got any ink." I told her.
"You won't need it."
I start and a sharp pain hits the back of my hand. "I must not be late" appeared on the back of my hand in my own blood. I looked at her and she was smiling to her self and it was as if she was holding in her laughter. She really was evil. I looked over at Harry an I could tell he was in pain. I continued and it stung like 1000 needle were puncturing my hands and it only hurt more and more since it was in the same spot.
After what seems 87 years she said detention was over. She looked at my hand and sighed "Well that must remind you not to be late right?" I could only nod.
"I think you need to get the message a bit more Mr. Potter. We'll continue tomorrow." It took everything in me not to yell at her but we finally head out. Something came over me and I hugged Harry.
"Harry.... I'm so sorry." Harry had been sentenced to detention by her so many times and had to come again tomorrow.
"It's alright. But I'm surprised you didn't react. One 4th year went with me and she was screaming."
"I didn't want her to have the satisfaction." I said. We walked back to the tower together. "Look at the couple." George says. That was it. That did it. My hair turned a bright red along and my nails turned black. I walked over to him and smacked him him. Angelina quickly got up and drew her wand. "How dare you hit my boyfriend! Stupefy!"
"Protego!" Everything was moving too fast, but suddenly Hermione was in front of me with her wand drawn and Angelina was on the floor. Hermione countered the spell and knocked Angelina out. Everyone came down rushing to see Angelina an they all looked at me in shock. Hermione grabbed my hand and we ran up to the girls dormitory.
"Lux! How could you just smack George!"
"How could you knock out Angelina!"
"She sent a spell your way!"
"And George pissed me off!"
She rolled her eyes then looked at me for a moment.
"What? What's the matter?" I asked touching my head to see if anything was on it.
"I was wondering.... Now that you talk to people a little bit.... That if you wanted to join this group that Harry's teaching against the ministry. We're teaching the REAL Defense Against the Dark Arts. Do you want to join? You could be a great deal of help." I thought it over. Why not? D.A.D.A has always been my strength.
"Alright. And I'm not talking to people. People talk to me."
"Oh same thing!" Hermione laughed. So do I. Maybe I'll be important in this.

After a while we heard footsteps coming up the dorm steps. McGonagall came in through the door. "Ms. Lithium, since Ms. Johnson attacked you first with a Stupefy spell. She has been suspended from quidditch. She had 3 warnings and that was her last one. You will be the new chaser. No questions since you got rid of her. You will go to practice when you are told to. Welcome to the Gryffindor Quidditch team." And then she left. She didn't even let me say anything. Me? On the Quidditch team? They're going to hate me! I just got rid of their Captain! Hermione stared at me in shock. "That's just great! All of my friends are on the team!" I forced a laugh and she saw right threw me.
"You're nervous aren't you?" I nodded.
"Don't worry you'll be great! You just need to learn how to fly." I looked at her and my cheeks turned pink. "I already know how to fly."
"You do?? And you never told me???" I laughed at her. And I told her we should go bed.

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