Chapter Six--Part Two

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Doug examined the woman across from him carefully.  He’d called every Wal-Mart in a twenty-mile radius before he found her, but he knew he wouldn’t be able to sleep until he informed her of Camille’s observations.  Doug’s jaw clenched slightly at the sight of her pony tail and he had to remind himself that there was an innocent girl who needed his help.  This isn’t about Eve.

“Attorney Masters,” Eve said hesitantly, intimidated by the fierce look on his face.

“My name is Doug,” he snapped.

“Sorry,” Eve muttered.  “Doug,” she said with no emotion, “You got me out of work, so I know this must be something very important; but in all honesty, if I’m going to lose eight hours of pay, I’d rather be asleep.”

Doug bit back the scowl forming on his lips.  She’s still the same bitch after all these years.  He took a moment to gain control over his rapidly growing ire before responding.

“Quite frankly, Eve,” he said not managing to contain all of his disdain, “this just couldn’t wait.  I’m terribly sorry you’re losing hours at work, but you should really consider yourself lucky that there is someone like me willing to put this kind of effort into your case.”

“I don’t mean to sound ungrateful,” Eve said apologetically.  “I’m just tired and I can’t really afford to miss work.  For taking off tonight, I run the risk of losing these hours permanently.” 

“I need to ask you a few questions,” Doug said dismissing her half-hearted apology.  “First, does Emma often have injuries?”

“Injuries?” Eve asked thoughtfully.  “I’m not sure what you mean.”

“Injuries,” Doug said impatiently.  “Bumps, lumps, bruises, cuts, broken bones—I’m not sure how clear I can make it.”

“I suppose so,” Eve answered hesitantly.  “She fights everyone who tries to help her.  I wouldn’t say it’s often, but she’s had some bruises on her arms.  One time she hit her head and had a pretty big knot from it.”

“Have you ever seen these injuries happen or were you told about it later?” Doug asked.

“She doesn’t fight me like she does others,” Eve said defensively.  “What are you implying here?  I haven’t hurt my sister.”

“You haven’t,” Doug said.  “But Camille noticed some scratching on one of Emma’s legs today.  In the brief glimpse she had, she was able to determine that they weren’t self-inflicted.”

“I…I don’t understand,” Eve said shaking her head.  “Do you think Emma is being hurt by other residents at the home?  She doesn’t leave her room much, only for therapy.  Emma gets hurt because Emma struggles against those who care for her.”

“Someone in that group home is hurting her,” Doug said harshly.  “Most likely it’s an employee, someone who has access and the ability to cover up their actions.”

“Why would someone hurt Emma?” Eve denied.  “It doesn’t make any sense.  I’m there every, single day.  Surely no one would think they could get away with harming her when I’m so involved in her care.”

“You need to wake up, Eve,” Doug said.  “I think you truly care for your sister, but the home isn’t the right place for her.  It may not be the right place for anyone.”  Doug stood and walked around to perch on the edge of his desk.  “Tomorrow, I have to make a report to the authorities about what Camille and I witnessed today.  You’re going to have to prepare yourself for the fact that your sister may not have a home tomorrow.”  He frowned at her.  “In fact, regardless of any investigation or actions taken, you need to move your sister.”

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