chapter 7

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Several days had passed since New Year's and I still had received no word from Shadow. At first, I just thought that we didn't need to spend every waking second texting each other, but as the end of break grew nearer, I realized perhaps I had just been played. That I was just there to keep him company until he found someone else. Yasmine had told me to text him multiple times, but I just couldn't bring myself to do it. I felt really bad, but I couldn't let anyone see that, so I tried to forget about it as soon as possible.

With just three days until school started up again for the second semester, I was working on my essay for my English class. I was almost done with it, I just needed about a hundred more words until completion. I still hadn't heard from Shadow, but the essay was a great distraction for me. It was close to eleven o'clock, and I was still working on my essay. I was beginning to become stressed due to the fact that my teacher was very strict and could drop me from the Pre AP class that I was in, and I don't doubt that she will if I don't pass this essay. My phone was sitting right next to me, the screen black from not getting any messages. I sighed and tried to continue to write my essay in peace. I kept looking at the rectangular device, wishing that Shadow would just try and communicate with me. I thought he was tired of me, I was trying to deny that thought for a few days, but obviously it was the ugly truth that I could no longer hide from. By some miracle, or at the time I thought it was, my phone screen lit up. My eyes lit up at the name, and my heart raced for the text, but my mind kept telling me to ignore it and keep writing. I choose to ignore my mind and picked up the phone.

"Why don't u talk to me anymore?"

I chuckled. "Why don't you talk to me anymore? This isn't just my fault you know." I sent the message. I had this horrible feeling in the back of my mind, but I kept trying to ignore it. Something kept telling me that I should just stop talking to him, that I should just ignore him and move on with my life, but I just wouldn't listen. I kept talking to him, even when the final days came to an end I was still talking to him. School started up again and I was really starting to wonder if he was going to kiss me, since he kept bugging me for it earlier in the break. The days continued to go by, he would text me during class since I didn't have any with him except for eighth period which was tennis. During practice he would mess with me by softly throwing balls at me when I wasn't looking, tapping my back with the rim of his racket and then running away, or just plain out teasing me. I would of course get mad at him, but we both knew that I was actually happy. This went on for about a week. Thursday evening, I was at my sister's apartment finishing up some Algebra I homework, and I was also texting Shadow again. He kept talking about the kiss, and how I didn't kiss him at all during the week. I was beginning to feel a bit flustered at the thought, but surely he was kidding. I mean, it was just a game. A game that involved asking questions. He asked me if he could get his kiss the next day, which was a Friday, after school during practice or something. I was beginning to think that he was being serious, I was a little dumb when it came to things like this, and told him okay, but that it would have to be before school because I had a dentist appointment right after school. So he told me that he would meet me early at school since I got dropped off early. I had only hoped that if he did decide to kiss me, that I would be ready for it.

I was at school by the early hour of seven. Classes didn't start until eight thirty, but my sister started school earlier than I did, so I just walked around school for that hour and a half until it was time to walk to class. Shadow hadn't texted me to tell me that he had arrived at the school. It had been about thirty minutes since I had arrived and I was walking to the field in the cold early January weather. It was freezing, but I ignored the cold because although the cold wind was making my skin feel as if it was on fire, I enjoyed the scenery around me. Everything seemed dark and grey, but for some reason I thought it was beautiful. I felt my phone vibrate against my right hand, and I checked it.

"I'm here, where are u?"

My numb fingers carefully typed "Going to the stadium."

I arrived in a matter of two minutes, and I looked around me for Shadow. I didn't see him so I climbed to the top of the stadium and sat down. I started to day dream while waiting for him, I was beginning to feel real nervous. What if he did kiss me? What would happen? Will we become something more than just friends? These questions kept coming to me, the bitter sweet taste of reality came and hit me in the face. It was hard to ignore these questions and hard to run from the problem at hand. Do I really want this? It was already eight o'clock, and Shadow still had not arrived yet. I needed to be in class in fifteen minutes, so I gave up on him and started my walk to my class. I took the long way, not wanting to go inside the building even though it was freezing out. Halfway there, I got another message from Shadow asking me where I was. I sighed and told him I was going to class because it was getting late. He told me to wait and that he would meet me as soon as possible. I put my phone away and sat down on the nearest bench. It seriously did not take thirty minutes to walk to the stadium, the campus wasn't that big. I waited, and waited, and before I knew it, ten minutes had passed and class was about to start in about five minutes. He clearly wasn't coming, so I got up, shivered, and then started walking again. I passed one of the many entrances to the school on my way and sighed once more. I had just been played, I know it. I walked about ten more steps when I heard someone call my name. I turned my head around and saw Shadow running to me from the door I just passed. I fully turned my body to him as he reached me.

"Why are you such a hurry?" he asked me.

I took out my phone. "We only have a few minutes before class starts so I was heading over there." I explained to me. He looked at the phone and then to me. He started walking in the same direction I was walking just seconds before. "What class do you have then?" he asked me. I stared at him for a moment and then started to walk up beside him. I told him the class I had and continued to walk with him. My first class, Biology, and in the building next to us, but we had to walk around to get to it. I was really worried about him being late, so I was going to tell him that he should be getting to class.

"Okay, well I'm going to class because I don't want to be late." He said. I was turning my head to tell him goodbye, but I froze when I felt him put his hand on my shoulder and saw his face leaning into mine. My eyes widened when I felt his lips press onto my own, my body became stiff at the new feeling. His lips were squishy, and I wondered if that was what kissing felt like. Squishy. He pulled away for a second and kissed me again. It was soft and slow, not exactly how I thought it was going to be. He pulled away, not going in to kiss me anymore, and smirked at me. My face was still frozen and I couldn't think straight anymore.

"Are you okay?" he asked me, trying to suppress a laugh. I blinked once, twice, took a breath or two, and then snapped out of the trance that I was in. I felt my face heat up and I looked away. "It's nothing!" I snapped, I frowned at myself because my reply was so harsh. I thought that he would get mad at me, but instead I heard him laugh.

"Well, I really have to go, so see you later!" he said while walking away. I stood in the same spot for a few seconds before mumbling a bye and then walking to class. I arrived with two minutes to spare and sat down in my seat. My friend Cream was already in her seat next to me talking to Tikal and Knuckles.

"Why are you so late? You're usually really early." The small rabbit asked me. I looked at her and smiled really big. She gave me a confused look and I beckoned her to come closer. "I've got something to tell you!" I explained everything to her, even when class began and my teacher started his lecture. Cream stared at me with wide eyes when I finished my telling her what happened.

"Damn Amy, you got game!" she whispered so our teacher Mr. Rivas wouldn't hear. I just giggled and started writing the notes. My day continued and I told the rest of my other friends during my lunch hour and they were all happy for me. I continued on with my day smiling at everyone and even talked to a few people who I didn't really know. It was during the transition between fifth and sixth period that I was making my way to the student foyer to meet my mom so that we can go to the dentist. On my way there I saw Shadow heading down the opposite direction of me. I suddenly got nervous, but there was no way I could avoid him. When he passed, I just smiled at him and continued on my way to the foyer.

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