Chapter 6

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The next couple days were passing by fast, but I still enjoyed every second of it talking to Shadow. A few days after Christmas, on the twenty-eighth to be exact since it was my sister's birthday, it had snowed in the first time in years. Living in the Chihuahua Desert, we didn't get much snow, and when we did, it never lasted more than thirty minutes. I remember that I woke up to a text from Shadow that said, "Oh my god it's snowing!" I played in the snow then went to a restaurant to celebrate Briana's birthday with my other sisters, Greg, and my mom.

Shadow was constantly bringing up the kiss. He always asked if I wanted to go hit with him and then get my kiss. He even asked if I wanted him to come over to my house for New Year's so that I could be his New Year's kiss. I always laughed it off because I knew he was joking, or at least I thought he was.

The days continued to pass by without a problem, and all I wanted to do was talk to Shadow. I started working on my essay for my English class, and that was really stressful. I hadn't really gotten used to writing in that "L1" and "L2" format.

New Year's came soon enough, and I went back to Yasmine's house. We did the same things as we did as Christmas, but the only difference was that Shadow hadn't texted me at all that day. I was beginning to think that maybe he just wanted to be with his family, and when I thought about it, maybe I needed a break as well. I was clearly worried about him, but I tried my hardest to ignore it, hoping that the next day would bring him back.

When it was about ten minutes to the countdown to midnight, my family huddled around in the living room to watch the last performances. Lots of people performed, but I don't remember a single performance. The final minute came and the hosts were going crazy with their New Year's wishes and hopes. I let my mind wonder off to Shadow again, wishing he was here with me, or me with him. The countdown began.






I thought back to the text where he asked me if I wanted him to come over for New Year's. In a few seconds, I would've had my first kiss.





"One" I muttered under my breath. In that instant, kids were making wishes on grapes and eating them as fast as they can in a minute, couples around me were sharing a New Year's kiss, and Yasmine beside me was chugging down the apple cider in her hand. I grabbed a grape, and I made a simple wish. 'Please give me the strength to handle whatever comes my way with Shadow.' I chewed up the grape and swallowed it just before the minute was up. It seemed like a wish to others, but I think now that it was more like a prayer. Although things looked like they were going good, that could change at any given moment. I looked over to my cousin and smirked when she caught my eyes.

"Wanna kiss?" I jokingly asked her as she slapped my shoulder hard. I laughed while she glared at her, but she soon started to laugh as well.

"Not from a weirdo like you." She smirked. I started to get different messages from people like Cream, Sally, and other people from my old school. I even got some from friends at the school I'm at now, but none of them were from Shadow. I kind of got a little sad, but I knew that he had to spend time with family. Still, I thought I should at least still wish him a happy new year. I sent the message, and hoping I would get one in reply.

I never did.

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