chapter 4

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Oh my gosh, I seriously had no idea what to say. What was I supposed to say to this?

"Well, I guess it's not that bad, but still, I wish I was at least average height." I responded. I waited anxiously for a reply that I knew I had screwed up.

"Oh look at that house!" chirped my mom. I looked at the house with the blue Christmas lights. The house I have seen for the last ten years. It calmed my nerves just looking at something I had grown up with, I had forgotten the anxiety a little text message had given me. My dad slowly stopped in front of the little blue house, the lights looking ten times brighter in the moonlight. I stared in awe, getting lost in the scenery and then noticed my phone lit up once more. Butterflies filled my stomach once more, but I was not scared to see what happens. Whatever happens, happens, you know?

"Why do u feel like it's a bad thing?" Shadow asked me. I stared at the message and gave it some thought. There were multiple reasons why I hated being short, stretching from not being able to reach things from the top shelf all the way to being mistaken for being an elementary student. Believe it or not, it happens all the time. I knew one reason stuck out the most, and that was that it made me look weirder than I usually did.

"Well it's because I'm already weird looking, my height doesn't exactly help me at all. If anything, it makes me look weirder, ugly almost." I told him. I didn't regret what I had said, and I know this is clichéd and over used from everywhere, but I know that I am not the least bit attractive. Try as hard as I might, but I will never be that girl that will be known as beautiful. Frankly, I've learned to not care as much, that this is just me, but I still can't help but wish I could be pretty like my sisters.

"Remember those lights from the store? We tried to get them, but they were really expensive." My dad said while looking at some crystal lights on a house. The lights made it seem like water was dripping from the crystals. It was very soothing to look at.

"Oh yeah, they were expensive. They look really nice though." My mom had replied, looking at the house as well.

We kept driving.

My phone lit up once more, but I let it turn back off to look at some more houses for a bit.

A house with lights that danced under the moon.

Another with light pink lights dotting the side of the house.

And another with the traditional red lights that everyone loves.

I turned on my phone and opened the message from Shadow. I blushed after reading it, thanking my lucky starts that it was too dark for anyone to see my face right now. "Who told u were ugly? Ur beautiful" it read. I had to put my phone down for a second to calm down. I lifted my phone back up and then set it right down again. This went on for about a minute or so, I would pick up my phone, read the message, blush, then put it back down again to try and think clearly. I knew I had to reply eventually so I lifted my phone and started to type out my message. I thanked him, but told him not many people think I was beautiful.

A message came immediately, making my phone light up in my lap.

"Well whoever told u that is wrong. They want something perfect, but nothing in this world is perfect." I blushed even more at this, I really shouldn't be falling for a guy over several text messages, but I was and I had no way of controlling it. I simply typed a thanks and told him that it means a lot to me. I smiled to myself and just looked at more houses as we passed by. Shadow was a great guy, he really was. Even if we never become something more, I'm glad to be his friend. Everyone needs a friend like Shadow, just someone to have your back for you.

"Ur welcome. :) So what are you doing?" he asked me. I told him and asked him as well. He was just at home watching "How I Met Your Mother" once again. We talked all night, and I didn't go to bed until around one in the morning. It was fun talking to him, he was always there to listen. I guess I liked that in a guy.

Christmas was a just two days away. I was cleaning and helping my mom cook like crazy just to get ready for the party on Christmas Eve. I had a lot of family, and I'm always surprised that we all fit comfortably in my house. The stress to get the house ready was overwhelming, but in the end it would be completely worth it. All the smiles and laughter, the "Red Stag!" chants coming from all the men in my kitchen will make my day, week, month, and possibly year. That night, my family had decided to go look at Christmas lights at a neighborhood that was known for their amazing decorations. I was going in a group, with my aunt and uncle, cousins, and my great aunt and uncle who had come to town for the holiday. At the last minute, my two older sisters, and new brother-in-law had decided to join us as well. It was really exciting because it was the first Christmas that my brother-in-law Greg would be celebrating with us.

I was helping my mother make her special "Reindeer cookies", which was just a small pretzel, a Hershey's kiss, and a red or green M&M. Baking was a lot of fun, but I had noticed Shadow had not texted me yet. I really wanted to text him, but I was too scared that he didn't want to talk to me. So, I just kept to myself and baked cookies. I laughed with my mom and sisters, who also happened to be there, and one of my aunts, who is always at my house.

I had finished baking cookies and I was just chilling in my room when my text tone went off. I widened my eyes and immediately checked my phone. Lucky me, it was exactly who I wanted it to be. It was that simple "Hey" that I always looked forward to from none other than Shadow the Hedgehog himself. I waited a minute, to try and not seem desperate, before I replied with a "hey" as well. He asked me what I was doing and I told him I was getting ready to go out, and then asked him what he was doing so it didn't seem like I was self-centered. I want to get to know him too. We discussed different things back and forth, even getting into another "Who's more awesome" argument that never seems to end. I had let time slip and I was finally at the neighborhood that had the amazing decorations. We had parked and I got out of my dad's truck. We met with everyone and started to walk the neighborhood. I decided to stop texting Shadow for a bit since I was with my family. I felt bad, and I also felt the need to text him, but I knew that family came first. As I was walking, I discovered that I wanted him there. I wanted him to be with me and walk with me as we look at the lights. I never knew I could become so desperate for someone's touch. I wanted his hand to slowly slide into mine and hold it like I was going to disappear forever if he let go. The only thing that still bothered me was the fact that he was two years older than I was. I knew I was setting myself up for something bad, but I couldn't help myself. My heart had fallen for someone I could probably never have. It sucked that there was that age difference, yeah it was two years, but it is still a lot for someone as young as myself. Sadness washed over me for a brief moment before I was pulled back in by my family singing Christmas carols really off key. I decided to join them and to not let this little boy trouble get in the way of my winter break!

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