The start of Christmas break

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I spent the rest of my week just doing the usual; going to school, stressing, homework, thinking of dropping out, and hanging out with friends. You know, all that good stuff. It wasn't until that Friday that I got a text from an unknown number. I was in my kitchen, doing my homework on the long brown counter that separates the dining room and the kitchen. My phone went off in the text tone I had it set to, and when I checked it, it read "HeyJ". I responded with "Who is this?" and when the answer came, it surprised me. It was Shadow. Why would he want to text me? I told him hi, asked him how he got my number, and asked if he wanted to talk about something specific. I was beginning to get real nervous. I don't think I did anything, but what if I was supposed to do something, and I didn't do it? It seemed like forever before he replied.

"Nothing really. Just wanted to talk. I asked Sonic to get it for me."

Oh. Okay, maybe I was over thinking it like usual. We started talking about school, he asked me what classes I had, I replied. We talked for a good amount of time before I had to say goodnight since I had to go to sleep. It really bothered me that I didn't know why he wanted to be around me? Or even just talk to me? I'm sure there is a girl his own age that he would like to talk to instead of me. I didn't let it slide but I had to stop thinking about it so that I could sleep. My phone went off in the text tone and I checked while I was putting my things away in my room. "Okay, goodnight. Sweet dreams. J" Now I was really curious as to what was going on. Whatever it was, it was going to have to wait because I was really tired. I plugged my phone into the charger by my bed, walked to the light switch, turned it off, and practically jumped into my bed. I fell asleep faster than usual, but with one question still in my head despite me trying not to think about it. Why?

The next two weeks went by fast. Shadow messed with me during practice, even lightly slapped me in the face, which I slapped him extremely hard on the arm. Emphasize extremely. Even though he was starting to get really annoying, I still had fun being around him. I may have started to develop a small crush on him, but it was nothing major. I choose to ignore it. It was the last week before Christmas break, and the weather outside was starting to get really cold and windy, but I didn't care. I liked the weather. Our coach let us do our own thing instead of practicing because he felt "nice". Which was nice for him. We never get breaks unless it was raining- which never happens where we live. I didn't want to stay inside a stuffy classroom, so I went outside to the tennis courts. Shadow was out there with Sonic, playing a match. I decided to sit and watch since there was nothing else to do. When Sonic left to use the bathroom, Shadow asked me why I didn't want to hit with him, and I told him it was because I was too lazy. He called me a lazy ass and I just left it as that. Sonic came back super quick, and the two boys continued their match. This went on for the rest of the week, every day the same routine. I go to my last period, which is tennis, I walk outside and watch the two of them play. I had some friends come with me and keep me company while I watched, but the weather was too cold for them so they went back inside.

Finally, the last day of school came before we were released for two weeks. I, of course, was outside watching Sonic and Shadow play. Others began to come outside, but not many, to play or just hang out in the courts. Scourge, a guy on the team walked up to me and gave me a hug. I gave a lazy hug back and as I was about to pull away, his hand trailed down my waist, passed my hips, and to my butt. I was sitting down so thank goodness he didn't actually get to grab it, but he still tried. He got up and walked away before I could say anything. I just sat there, a stupefied look on my face. I felt so stupid. This was not the first time this happened, and I let it happen again. I felt my shoulders and face drop. I tried my hardest to smile because I knew that if I told on him, I would look weak and it would make matters worse. Shadow must've noticed right away because I suddenly got quiet. He kept asking if I was alright and if anything happened. I didn't want to tell him so I lied to him. I told him I was alright, that I was just tired. It was a stupid excuse, but it was all I had at the moment. I even shot him a few smiles every now and then to try and reassure him, but it obviously wasn't working. The bell rang and I practically ran back into the classroom, grabbed my things and left. I could tell Shadow was going to try and get me to talk, and I was in no mood for talking. I was also running from Scourge. I couldn't face him, not now. Now, I was a coward. My parents were picking me up on the street across from the courts, so I walked as fast as I could to my parents. I passed by Shadow and Sonic, and said a real quick "Merry Christmas" as I walked away. I found my car, got in, and drove home, trying to forget about the small incident.

Christmas break was finally here. And I had to write an essay and read two books for my English class. Although I was pretty excited to sleep in and just not go to school, I was not excited to do homework. I decided to wait until after Christmas to start since I was hosting it this year. It was the day after school, and my little cousins were at my house because I was babysitting them. We were in my room just hanging out when I got a text. The kids were watching T.V so I thought it was okay to check who it was. "Hey." It was Shadow. "Hey." I responded. I had a feeling that he was going to ask about the day before so I anxiously waited for a reply. I nearly jumped when I got a reply. "I was going to text yesterday asking if you okay." I stared down at the phone. I didn't know if I wanted to answer, or how to avoid the topic. I got up with my phone and walked into my kitchen to get myself some water. I wasted two minutes and I realized that I needed to tell someone. I couldn't keep this a secret for long. I was going to lose it since it followed me everywhere I went. Maybe talking about my feelings isn't bad, and maybe I could tell him.

I told him all about what had happened. I'm not used to telling anyone what I'm thinking so this was the hardest thing I had to do. As soon as I sent the text, after a little hesitation, I felt weight lift off of my shoulders. I actually felt good, relieved. I waited for his reply, but he sure was taking his time. A few minutes passed and I was sure he wasn't going to talk to me anymore. Just as I was about to give up, I got a text. I opened it up and looked at it. It was a long paragraph, almost as long as mine. I read it and almost cried. I probably would've if the kids hadn't come out of my room. I walked them back and put on a movie from Netflix that they wanted to watch. I read the text again. He told me that he would protect me from guys like Scourge, and that he was glad I had told him. I quickly typed a response as fast as I could, thanking him for hearing me out. He then told me that if anything like that happened again that I would tell him so he can, and I quote, "scare the little shit." I promised I would and thanked him once more. We continued talking for the rest of the night about random things. I have never felt so happy, the thing with Scourge was really starting to get to me, and I wasn't sure if I could take it anymore. After a while I sent the kids to bed, and I continued talk to Shadow well into the night, until I was too tired to even lift my phone up to check it. I wished him a goodnight, and got into some pajamas before turning off the light and trying to go to sleep. My phone screen lit up once more, and I forced myself to lift it up and read it despite how tired I was. It read "Goodnight. Sweet Dreams. J" I smiled and laid my head down to rest for the night. 


I don't own picture, or characters. I'm sorry this is so short but I'm doing it at school, so I don't have a lot of time to do it. 

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