Chapter 5

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About an hour later, my family arrived at my older sister's apartment. I sat down in a corner and pulled out my phone. I made sure it was still on silent and opened up the messages.

"Hey sorry, what are you doing?" I asked him. I turned off the phone and put it my lap so that only I can see if I got a message. I seriously doubt he was still there. I listened to the stories about my ancestors and tried to understand the way they were. They were strange people, but when I thought about it, I was just like them. I constantly checked my phone for any messages, but to no avail, there wasn't a response. I sighed multiple times, quietly, and then repeated the process again.

It was right after the fifth time I had checked my phone when I was going to give up that I had finally received a text message. I immediately checked it and sighed in relief because it was from Shadow. "Just watching T.V" it read. I smiled to myself and quickly typed a simple response. About a minute later, another message came in. "What are u doing?" I looked up from my phone at the scene around me. No one has noticed me on my phone yet, so I started typing a reply.

"I'm at my sister's again. Just hanging out because I don't want anyone at my house." I silently put my phone down after I had sent it, watching my dad walk by. If my dad found out I was texting a guy, an older guy at that, he would flip. I had to make sure he didn't see my, since he was now right by me.

My phone lit up once more, I checked to see that my dad was walking to the other side of the room, and I opened the message. "That's cool. Are u excited for Christmas?" he asked me. I smiled and replied. "Yes, it's the first Christmas that we are spending with my brother-in-law. What about you?" I asked, finding it funny that he would ask that, and even funnier that I had said yes. Again, the phone lit up.

"Usually I'm not, but I this time I am because my sister is going to be there. J" he said, and I can sense the excitement coming from him through the message. "Well I'm happy for you! How come she doesn't spend the holidays with you every year?" I asked. I was kind of curious, but I also felt like I was being too nosy. Hopefully he didn't think I was.

"She lives out of the state with her husband, so I never see her." He answered. I almost made a noise signifying that I thought he was being cute. I don't know how to explain it, but I just think that someone who has such a tough shell show so much affection towards those they love. Maybe I'm just a little weird.

"Oh I see, that makes sense. Well, I'm happy that you are going to see her!" I replied, trying to sound as happy as possible through the words I had sent him.

I continued to text even on the five minute drive home. Finally it was around ten o' clock when I had decided to put an end to the texts. "Hey, I gotta get up early tomorrow, so goodnight!" I told him. In the morning, I had to help my mom clean and finish baking the remaining cookies that still had to be baked. His last message was nothing more than a "goodnight" and I almost instantly fell asleep.

The next day was a day that always felt the longest to children, a day where it seemed time would stop and the day would never end, and that day was Christmas Eve. Of course, I was up early due to my mother waking us all up and calling over my other sisters to help her get ready for the party. I was cleaning the downstairs bathroom while playing my favorite Vocaloid music. I was jamming out to Rolling Girl, both the English and Japanese versions. I heard my phone text tone ring from my bedroom and I instantly knew who it was. I got up from scrubbing the toilet, paused the music, and sprinted to my room. I turned on my phone and let out a small high pitched scream. I looked out the door wondering if my mom is going to ask why I did that, but she didn't do that. I think she got used to me screaming like that since I always do it, and there is always a weird reason behind it. I quickly replied to the text while heading back down to the bathroom and continued to clean the toilet. A response came and I finished coating the shower floor with soap. He started asking the usual questions, I answered them, and then asked the same ones. He was watching tennis matches on his phone or something while sitting outside. I finished scrubbing the shower floor and washing the bubbles away down the drain and cleaned the mirror. Receiving another message, I finished putting away everything in the bathroom and headed out to my room once more. The topic of Christmas was brought up, which didn't surprise me since it was Christmas Eve.

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