Chapter Thirteen

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Okay hey guys!

 sorry this took a while. it was the whole 'first week of winter break and christmas with the fam' stuff that kept me from getting writing, and it was my responsibility, not hailey's. SO BLAME ME. im a horrible person.

ahahah. well this chapter is very... action-ous to say theleast. it'll probably get edited a lot if you guys doont think its coming through very clearly to you. but hopefully you like it!

its also a little short because... well there wasnt much of any critical INFORMATION in this chapter, but there was definately IMPORTANT character actions.

a tin can named tim can. ;D

enjoy, and comment, we need your feedback!

as Shasawna would say, 'do it, or else, dear.' (;

love you guys! vote if you like and we'll see you next chapter!



Nate gripped Ladon’s shoulder tensely, mumbling something to him that I couldn’t quite make out. His other hand had quickly found its way to wrap around my own as he narrowed his gaze to the girl in front of us.

The girl had already made her way down the aisle, not seeming to notice that everyone but Taryn had stopped following her.

We stood in the middle of the empty aisle as we did so. “Nate-” I began.

He cut me off with a hand to my mouth, not dropping his gaze from the store ‘em-pla-yee’, as Taryn calls her. It is apparently just a fancy word for ‘worker’. “We’ve got to go. Now.” He whispered.

Something is wrong. I know Nate, and I know that tone.


“Ah! Here’s the cat-up!” the employee announced loudly, grabbing our attention. She took a green jar from one of the shelves and turned to Taryn smiling.

“That’s not ketchup-” Taryn started to oppose.

“Well it isn’t now! Oh my bad! Will you tell me what this says, dear?” The employee smiled darkly.

Taryn reluctantly arched her neck down at the jar, eyeing the girl.

In a split second, the jar slammed into a shelve. It shattered with the force of the employee’s backwards throw, splitting into millions of glass bits, covering the floor in its contents and shining glass shards.

“How dare you crawl to another witch you filthy brats!” The employee roared. Her hair immediately turned to a vivid black when her angry gaze becoming an illuminating dark one.

“What are you-” Taryn began to back away.

“Silence!” The girl roared, becoming taller by a few inches. She thrust her arms forward, making Taryn fall to the ground with one swift motion. Nate and Ladon’s gazes ripped from her to Taryn and that’s all it took for me to know what to do.


“Go!” Nate screamed, sprinting to Ladon, who had already pulled Taryn half-way across the aisle in attempt to get her up. Taryn stayed on the ground, staring in awe as I did, at the transforming girl.

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