Answers I Wish I Knew

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I awoke in my familiar dorm bedroom. The windows are covered and the light is on. I hadn't been changed from the cloths I passed out in, and I was only lying on the bed, not covered by any sheets. I slowly ease myself from my bed, but I actually feel a lot better than I did... yesterday? I don't know how long I've been here. I walk toward the door that leads to the hallway. I push on it slightly, it doesn't move. I bang my body against it. It holds firm. Defeated, I walk over to the window. I pull on the curtains a little. It's night, maybe I've been out for only a few hours. It's seemingly normal outside, only a few students walk around who must have missed curfew.

One of then looks up at me. She looks to be about a freshman, maybe a sophomore. She just looks up at my window. Feeling awkward, I wave. Maybe she thinks I'm a friend. She just stares. Then, I notice she is a little off. He posture is crooked, he head slightly tilted, as if she is curious. And her arms seems to dangle as if they have lost all feeling. Then I see her eerie eyes. They are bloodshot and are now a faded yellow where they are supposed to be white. Her skin is a pale and bruised. Just as I realize what she is, she takes off full speed towards my window. Though I'm on the second floor from the ground, she makes every possible attempt to climb up objects to get to my window. The others start to notice and begin stacking on each other to reach me.

I start to panic, I lock the window and close the curtains. I drag a dresser over and barricade the window. I run to the door and try again. Locked... I'm going to die in here. I turn off the lights and huddle down in a corner near the front of the door. I can hear scratching at the window, then glass shattering. I hold still and hope that they will lose interest.

It becomes quiet, and after waiting for about five minutes, I get up and slowly walk to the door. I quietly turn the knob, and pray that it will open. Before I can even push the door, the cabinet in front of the window falls forward, crashing to the ground. The girl that was staring at me is now entering through my window. I scream and push hard on the door, expecting it to be locked. Surprisingly, it budges, sending me falling into the hallway and onto the floor. My forehead hits the foot of the wall. I lie there, seeing stars. I groan and roll over on my back. Then I am immediately alarmed as I hear several voices from my room. I need to hide.

I know what to do. I imagine if I were to fall like that in front of the whole school. I close my eyes and see people laughing. Heat rushes to my cheeks. Yes! I shout in my head. I curl up against the wall and focused on embarrassment. I hear a few groans and some feet shuffle by. I start to get scared. I abandon my embarrassing memories and just keep repeating lines in my head. Stay invisible, stay invisible, stay invisible...

I crack open an eye and smile. They all just keep walking. Not one glances at me. I look to a boy who looks to be about fifteen. He stops and smells the air. I keep the thoughts going. He looks around, then just continues on walking around the halls. I wonder if this would work with my fire powers. Now's not the time to test it. I just keep focused on staying invisible.

After a tiring hour of those continuous thoughts, repeating again and again, I grow bored and decide to venture, but I am carful not to lose the track of my power. I walk down the hallway until I reach the elevator. The only place I know of is the school. I select the button and the doors close, a few zombies look toward me, but look away when they don't see a potential meal.

My thoughts go back to the dream I had on the first day. I was being chased by something, but it was at my old school. I shiver at the thought of that nightmare. I then shake away the memory. It was just a dream, right? I finally decide to just go back to the nurses office. The cots there aren't too bad, and I already know the door locks and is pretty soundproof. Donald has proven that. I wonder where he is. In fact, I wonder where everyone is. Abby, Donald, Randi, the FBI, and especially Damien. He could be dead right now, and if he's not, he would be crazy if he wasn't out to kill me. I try to push away those thoughts and replace them with my stay invisible ones.

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