The cast of High School Musical

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Wade sat alone in his apartment back in Canada, a constant feeling of sadness and guilt had overcome his body. The table he sat at was covered in pages of bills and random pieces of cloth, the wood was scratched and old. He fumbled with his fingers and stared down, sighing every now and again. Al walks into the room, moving her white cane back and forth for guidance. Her hair was a little more grey and she wore a navy blue tracksuit set.

"Quit your mopin' Wade! I may be blind but I can sense you" Al grumpily exclaimed, making her way over to the table. She held out her hand to feel for the back of the chair beside Wade and pulled it out. She sat out, letting out a grunt.

"Al, I loved her" Wade said, tapping on the table.

"I know. You've told me... You've been like this for over a week. She's gone, you can't do shit."

"She was helpless, it was all my fault."

"No it ain't! It was that clown guy's fault! Quit blamin' yourself! You know she couldn't be helped and she's probably real happy now that she's not sufferin'! Wade, you did her a favour and I'm sure wherever she is now, she's happy. Now, can you get me a coffee?" Wade got up and made his way into the kitchen, opening a top cupboard and taking out a tin of ground coffee. He turned on the kettle nearby and took out a mug. "What ever did happen to those Avengers and suicidal people anyway?" Wade sighed.

"Well, Brucey died, Iron Panties' boyfriend died, the Australian dude died, the asian bitch I think is still alive I don't know. The Avengers won, but only because they knocked down the Gollum Witch thing and because their 'backup' fleed from defeat. They weren't up to the task of being beaten to death, they only were in it for the booty Joker had behind locked doors. I think the Avengers may have had a little help from someone, but I'm not exactly aware of who it was. I got my money on Batsy boy."

The hot water boiled until the button flicked up. Wade poured the water into the mug with coffee and stirred it, dropping two sugars in. He brought the mug over to Al and placed it on the table in front of her.

"Careful, it's cold."

"Wade, I'm blind, not touch sensitive."

"That explains a lot." Suddenly, Wade's flip phone began to ring, he picked it up from the other side of the table and answered it.


"Wade? It's Tony."

"Oh hey Iron Panties! How's it bitchin'?"

"We're having a meeting shortly, care to join?"

"Oh can't, the Web-Cam is... uh... damaged?" Wade said, looking over at his computer. The camera that clipped onto his monitor was covered in a sticky substance.

"Oh, well do you want to open your door at least?" Tony said, his voice sounding a little echoey.

Wade made his way to the front door and opened it. Out in the hallway stood Tony, Steve, Peter, Thor, Tasha, Clint, Wanda, Vision and Scott. They all wore casual clothes and wore a neutral look on their faces, until they saw Wade's face again. Peter tried not to stare too much this time.

"Who the hell is at the door?" Al cawed.

"It's the cast of High School Musical" Wade sarcastically said.

"No way! Is Zac Efron there!?" Al shouted, jumping up excitedly.

"If you're talking about Cap then sure," Wade said, sighing "What's up guys?"

"We'd just like to say thanks, as a group, for your assistance-" Tony started.
"-even if you ran off with the enemy" Thor added, crossing his arms. The look on his face was almost menacing. Wade looked down sadly.
"Thor" Natasha said, slapping him in the bicep. She shot him a deadly look.
"Oh, sorry." Thor said to Wade, looking guilty. 

"As I was saying, for your assistance in our battle, it was greatly appreciated."

"We have a new assignment" Steve said, handing a tablet over to Wade. He took the tablet, looking at the screen. A robust alien with blue skin and purple and deep green armour stood angrily with a large weapon and electricity protruding from his hands. Around his head was an angular purple helmet. His name was Kang. Wade chuckled a little and handed the screen back.
"What's so funny?" Steve said sternly.
"He looks like a gay transformer" Wade laughed.

"He causes a major threat to the planet" Vision insisted, taking a step forward.

"Deceptacons, roll out you sillies!" Wade sassed, waving his hands. Tony tried not to laugh. "But in all seriousness, not this time guys, might sit this one out. I have more important issues to handle, places to go, people to kill."

"You should change your motto, we know you're better than that" Steve said.
"Actually he really isn't" Peter said quietly.
"You know what? You're right Cap! My motto is now 'Places to go, bitches to fuck'. And Spidey boy, you know better than to open your virgin mouth, next time you open your mouth like that I'd like you to imagine yourself sucking my dick." Wade sarcastically said, his tone high pitched.
"Uh, no thanks" Peter quietly replied, slipping in behind Clint, who looked strangely at him.
"Didn't think so" Wade murmured. 

"Well, good working with you, much appreciated" Tony said, reaching out to shake Wade's hand. Wade shook it firmly and the Avengers left, whispering down the hall. 

"Did you get an autograph?" Al called out to Wade, as he made his way to the computer, unzipping his pants.



Hey guys :)

I have another massive thankyou for TheRogueOne_ for once again helping me with this chapter, I owe you big time. You have literally blessed my story with your amazing skills and imagination, I couldn't ask for a better friend and co-author mastermind. 

Next chapter should be coming soon :)

- TheAutumnSoldier

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