Fight for Harley (heavily edited)

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"One last fight, Deadpool, the fight to win the girl, eh?" The Joker put up his fists and wiped his mouth of the blood trickling down to his chin. His dagger had been thrown to the ground.

"You guys don't have ta' do this you know?" Harley said, holding her hands to her head in fear.

"I've wanted to do this to you since the day I met you... which was today..." Wade murmured, throwing a punch to his throat. The Joker easily blocked it and kicked Wade across the legs, knocking him to his knees. Wade pulled his hand from the Joker's and placed them both on the floor, pulling his legs across and tripping the Joker onto his side. He then kicked him up the crotch and punched him in the head. The Joker moaned loudly and tried to ignore the pain. With his other hand he grabbed the dagger from behind him and launched it into Wade's thigh, quickly struggling up to have an advantage. He grabbed Wade by the collar and pulled him down the steps towards the three tanks in the ground.

"God, he's dumber than Donald Trump running for president" Wade said, taking the dagger from his thigh and taking it behind his head, stabbing the Joker in the wrist. The Joker cried out and let go of Wade's collar, taking the dagger out of his hand.

Wade ran back to where he dropped his own dagger and picked it up, arming himself from the Joker, who began charging at him. He swiped at his head, which he easily ducked. Wade jumped onto the metal chair he once sat in and pushed off it, forcing the dagger down.

The Joker jumped back and swiped at his side, distracting him so he could take a punch to his face. Wade took the punch and retaliated in the side of The Joker's temple. The Joker stumbled back and little and cackled madly, his hands clawing the air and the grip on his dagger tightening to the point that his knuckles were ghostly white.

The Joker made a move for a flight of stairs which led to a rail that ran around the warehouse. Wade ran after him, dagger in hand, not taking notice of Harley following slowly behind, sighing.  He looked back at Wade and quickly launched his dagger down his bicep, grunting at the force. Wade dodged it slightly and kicked The Joker in the back of the knees, causing him to fall to his right knee. The Joker twisted around, guided by his dagger and attempted to stab Wade in the leg and knock him to the ground to end the fight. The blade slammed straight into the side of his knee, causing him to cry out. He quickly retracted the blade and guarded himself from Wade.

"Ouch! At least I can heal, I'm like the T-1000 motherfucker!" Wade said, his hand firmly cuffing his wound. He wiggled his leg a little before The Joker moved onto his hands and kicked Wade off his feet, his head smacking against the metal railing. The sound echoed slightly and Wade rubbed his head, moaning at the pain. "Okay, so maybe not entirely." Wade turned around and swung his arm into The Joker's neck, which he easily blocked and twisted, causing Wade to cry out. The Joker kicked him in the side hard, attempting to pull his arm out of its socket.

Harley felt this scene was all too familiar and she smacked her head against the back of the wall and began laughing and crying. She was angry, but it made her happy. In reality she was confused and conflicted. She smashed her hand down onto the conas she closed her eyes and thought of the memories with both of the men who were battling one another...

The Joker turned around to slash at Wade's throat, which it had slightly grazed. Wade retaliated and the Joker ducked, forcing him into the railing of the platform, threatening to drop him into the tanks below. The Joker had a clear view of his concoction in the tanks. A translucent cream liquid bubbled quietly, similar to what had turned the Joker into the maniac he was today, but more fatal. Wade kneed the Joker in the crotch which made him double over.

Wade pushed him to the ground and started punching him.

Harley watched from a distance, jerking her head around so she could have a clear view of the fight.

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