The B team

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The red dots had come closer together until they almost resembled a red line. The Joker smirked and looked out one final time before pressing the two side buttons on the device.
Three streets behind the battle ground was a group of five villains waiting patiently. Poison Ivy, Two-Face, Killer Frost, Black Spider and Scarecrow had their backs against a stone building, Frost constantly peeking her head around the corner to try and view the fight.
"I sure hope Harley's alright" Ivy said, rubbing her light green arm. Her red hair fell over her green eyes as she looked to the ground. Scarecrow stretched out his legs, one of his knees cracking loudly.
"How long does it take for a signal to be made?" Frost impatiently said, crossing her arms.
"Patience, Louise" Black Spider said. He leant up against the building and crossed his legs over. She glared at him and groaned.
Two Face ran his fingers over his lucky coin, grinning. The green light on their devices glowed brightly, the signal.

"Knock 'em dead" Scarecrow said, pulling his mask over his head and running around the corner. Frost, Ivy, Two-Face and Black Spider followed.
Ivy summoned vines from beneath the road, the asphalt cracking, and launched them in Tony's way. The vines gripped Tony tightly around his armour, denting it slightly. Frost jumped into the air and allowed ice to flow from her hands, trapping Peter and Scott at their waists. Scott shrunk down and emerged from the ice, leaping at Frost with a loaded fist.
Scarecrow ran for Steve and Rhodes, joining Enchantress in the battle.
"Good to see you Scarecrow" Enchantress said, throwing Steve into a window with her dark magic.
"June, always a pleasure" Scarecrow said, unleashing a mist in Steve's direction. Steve tried to block the black matter, but failed as it crept around the sides of his shield and into his airways.
His brain began to feel a little fuzzy, the ground moving side to side slightly.
"Steve" Rhodes said, punching Scarecrow across the nose. Steve stood up straight and stared directly in front of him. The fight transformed into the insides of an aircraft, where Steve could see out the front window.
"Steve, what is it?" A voice said from behind. He spun his head around to see his beloved Peggy in a button up white blouse and blue skirt. Her brown hair was curled and her lips were ruby red.
"Peggy! Oh Peggy!" Steve said, moving quickly towards her, his arms open. Instead of hugging Steve, Peggy pulled a gun on him. He immediately put his arms in front of him and stepped back.
"Peggy, it's me... Steve."
"You're a liar!" She yelled, threatening the gun in his direction.
"What are you talking about!"
"I can't believe you, I loved you." She shot him in the abdomen, a single tear falling down her cheek. Steve held a hand over his wound, but no blood came out. He looked up at her, his eyes beginning to tear up. A sudden urge overcame Steve's body, his fists clenched and his arms tightened. Peggy looked at him in fright, stepping back a step.
Steve ran towards her, preparing a fist. He smacked her across her perfect pale face, causing her to fall to the metal ground of the aircraft. A button on the monitor began to beep and the plane tilted sideways. The nose of the aircraft slightly pointed downwards. He knelt down to her level, Peggy holding her face in pain. He pushed her shoulder across so that she was facing the ceiling. He took her gun up off of the floor and pointed it at her head. Peggy began to whimper, tears threatened to fall down her cheeks.
"Steve, please" she cried. A moment of silence before an alarm began to go off.
He leaned towards her, whispering in her ear, "Hail Hydra" before shooting her in the skull. He felt a sharp pain in his back and fell over Peggy's body. He turned his head to see a second Peggy, pointing her gun at him. He snapped back and looked into her brown eyes.
"You're a liar!" She said. Another Peggy appeared behind her holding her gun to the second Peggy's head.
"You're a liar!" She said. Steve's heart beat increased and his breathing became heavier.
"What is happening to me?" Steve yelled, holding his hands over his ears.

In the real world, Peter fell to his knees panting like a dog.
"Oh my god" he managed to say. Frost held a cold hand to his back, her ice spread over. "Tony!" He yelled, trying to move his limbs. He fell flat on his stomach and tried to crawl from the woman. She placed a foot on his head and forced his head into the ground, his face grazing.
Tony looked over at Peter, but became distracted, allowing Killer Croc to swipe him in the jaw. He was knocked to the ground, but flew into the air, attacking from above. Scott had managed to fight Ivy off of Tony, but had become stuck with her since.
"Agh!" Ivy yelled as Scott punched her in the side of the neck.
"I feel terrible I'm so sorry. I don't even know who you are!" Scott said, holding his fists up.
"Ivy, Poison Ivy" she replied, rubbing her neck.
"Is that your actual name or is that your villain name?"
"However you want it" she said, launching a vine at his feet.

The Joker grinned at the battle, noticing the Avengers becoming weaker. The Hulk was losing concentration as Black Spider and Slipknot attacked. Slipknot lassoed his rope over the neck of the Hulk and pulled it tight, the Hulk gradually losing air. Black Spider then sent a flying kick into his stomach, sending him flying to the ground. The Hulk rolled over and gagged for air, transforming back into Banner. Slipknot walked over to him and pulled the rope up off the ground in front of him. Banner was weak, his throat was burnt from contact with the rope, his body was bruised and three of his ribs were broken.

"Please! Leave me alone!" Bruce yelled, tears forming in the corners of his dark eyes. He tried to throw a weak punch at Slipknot, but he caught it and snapped his arm down, breaking the bone directly in half. Bruce screamed in pain before Slipknot pulled him up by his hair, dragging him to a pole. His head slammed back down into the ground and Slipknot tied his rope around his neck, his foot placed firmly on the back of his neck and pulling the rope before killing him.

Slipknot looked back at Black Spider and nodded, running along to help out Ivy.

Scarlet Witch looked down at the fight from the helecarrier sadly. She was desperate to get out there and save the Avengers.
"Wanda, you need to lie down" Natasha said, coming out of a room. Her thigh was bandaged and she walked with a slight limp.
"I'm fine Natasha, I need to help them" Wanda said, turning back to the window. She looked over at Vision, who continued to fight Enchantress while Rhodey fought Scarecrow. Steve was tucked into a ball on the rubble yelling and screaming. "I need to go help Steve, something's happened."
Natasha moved over to the window and looked around trying to find him. She turned around and called out to Sam, who was in a room with Clint having a chat.
"Sam!" She called, waiting for a response.
"Natasha! What's wrong?" Sam poked his head around the corner of a door further down the corridor.
"It's Steve. We think there's something wrong with him... We need you to go in and pick him up. Bring him back here" Natasha said, pointing at the window. Sam came to the window and looked down to find Steve, who was still in a ball.
"I'll be back" he said, making his way to the exit before flying out to his aid.

Steve looked up to see the aircraft in flames, somehow he had miraculously survived. He looked behind him to see another Penny, pointing a gun at him. He broke down in tears again, tucking his head down.

"STOP IT!" He screamed.
"You're a liar!"
"Peggy I loved you! I never gave up on you! I am not a traitor! You know that!"
"What are you yelling at Steve?"
"Leave me alone!"
"Steve it's me!"
"Go away! Leave me alone!" He felt two hands shake his back. His got to his feet and held his fists up, wiping his streams of tears from his face.
"Come on then! YOU'RE NOT REAL!" Steve yelled, throwing a punch at Penny.
Sam dodged his punch and grabbed his fists.

"STEVE! What's wrong man?" He yelled, shaking his wrists.
The illusion started to wear off, Penny's face glitching from hers to Sam's.
"Sam?" Steve whimpered, lowering his fists.
"Steve, I'm going to take you back to the helecarrier" Sam said, moving behind Steve. Scarecrow gave Rhodey a final punch to his head, his helmet had been taken off when Scarecrow unleashed the hallucinogenic mist his way. Rhodey fell to the concrete, his eyes fluttered closed and his heart beat lowered before he took his final breath.

Scarecrow took off his mask and wiped away a blood nose before placing it back over his head. He turned to see Sam assisting Steve, who had been cleared of his fears. He threw a punch at the back of Sam's head and kicked his wings in.
"Hey! What the hell buddy?" Sam angrily exclaimed, turning to see Scarecrow's frightening face. He jumped slightly.
"What did you do to Cap?" He shouted. Steve began to feel weak in the knees.
"Hallucinogenic mist of my own creation, makes you experience your worst fears and makes my job easier" he smartly said before throwing a punch into Steve's chest. He fell to the floor winded. Sam punched Scarecrow in the face and kicked him in the abdomen, making him fall back. Vision came over from his fight with Enchantress, which has resulted in her gasping for air and hunched over on the ground, black blood dripping from her mouth. He grabbed Scarecrow by the head and threw him to the asphalt. Instead of curling into a ball, he unleashed even more gas into the air.
"Don't breath it in! I've got to take Cap up to the helecarrier!" Sam said, lifting Steve from under his arms and launching into the sky. Vision coughed and waved the dark mist away, but accidentally inhaled the toxic fumes.

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